Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Dr. Couper’s current research interests include survey non-response, design and implementation of survey data collection, effects of technology on the survey process, and computer-assisted interviewing, including both interviewer-adminstered (CATI and CAPI) and self-administered (web, audio-CASI, IVR) surveys. Many of his current projects focus on the design of web surveys.
Funded Research
- A More Efficient Web-Based Approach to Collecting National Family, Fertility and Reproductive Health Data
- A Next Generation Data Infrastructure to Understand Disparities across the Life Course
- ACL-LIFE Life History Interview and Validation
- Improving Inclusivity of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Research for Asian Americans and Latinx through Nationally Representative Hybrid Sampling.
- Monitoring the Future: A Cohort-Sequential Panel Study of Drug Use, Ages 19-60
- Monitoring the Future: A Cohort-Sequential Panel Study of Drug Use, Ages 19-65
- Brady Thomas West, Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Rebecca Gatward, Saw, Htay-Wah, Shiyu Zhang. 2024. Toward a New Approach to Creating Population-Representative Data for Demographic Research. Demography 61(6):1759–1791.
- Burton, Jonathan, Mick P Couper, Jäckle, Annette. 2024. The Effects of Placement and Order on Consent to Data Linkage in a Web survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Jäckle, Annette, Cornesse, Carina, Wenz, Alexander, Mick P Couper. 2024. Measuring Expenditure with a Mobile App: Do Probability-Based and Nonprobability Panels Differ?. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Melanie Revilla, Mick P Couper. 2024. Exploring Respondents? Problems and Evaluation in a Survey Proposing Voice Inputs. methods, data, analyses 18(2):18.
- Annette Jäckle, Burton, Jonathan, Mick P Couper, Thomas Fraser Crossley, Walzenbach, Sandra. 2023. Survey Consent to Administrative Data Linkage: Five Experiments on Wording and Format. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Walzenbach, Sandra, Burton, Jonathan, Mick P Couper, Crossley, Thomas F, JÄckle, Annette. 2023. Experiments On Multiple Requests For Consent to Data Linkage in Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 11(3):518-540.
- Zhang,Shiyu, Brady Thomas West, James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, Rebecca Gatward, William G Axinn. 2023. Visible Cash, a Second Incentive, and Priority Mail? An Experimental Evaluation of Mailing Strategies for a Screening Questionnaire in a National Push-To-Web/Mail Survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- James Robert Wagner, Brady Thomas West, Mick P Couper, Zhang,Shiyu, Rebecca Gatward, Raphael Nishimura, Saw, Htay-Wah. 2023. An Experimental Evaluation of Two Approaches for Improving Response to Household Screening Efforts in National Mail/Web Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 11(1):124-140.
- Stone, Arthur A., Schneider, Stefan, Smyth, Joshua M., Junghaenel, Doerte U., Mick P Couper, Wen, Cheng, Mendez, Marilyn, Velasco, Sarah, Goldstein, Sarah. 2023. A population-based investigation of participation rate and self-selection bias in momentary data capture and survey studies. Current Psychology
- Arthur A. Stone, Stefan Schneider, Joshua M. Smyth, Doerte U. Junghaenel, Cheng Wen, Mick P Couper, Sarah Goldstein. 2023. Shedding light on participant selection bias in Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) studies: Findings from an internet panel study. PLOS ONE 18(3):e0282591.
- Robert M. Cronin, Xiaoke Feng, Lina Sulieman, Brandy Mapes, Shawn Garbett, Ashley Able, Ryan Hale, Mick P Couper, Heather Sansbury, Brian K. Ahmedani, Qingxia Chen. 2023. Importance of missingness in baseline variables: A case study of the All of Us Research Program. PLOS ONE 18(5):e0285848.
- Annette Jäckle, Jonathan Burton, Mick P Couper, Thomas Fraser Crossley, Sandra Walzenbach. 2023. How and Why Does the Mode of Data Collection Affect Consent to Data Linkage?. Survey Research Methods 16(3):387-408.
- William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, Scott Crawford. 2023. Applying Responsive Survey Design to Small-Scale Surveys: Campus Surveys of Sexual Misconduct. Sociological Methods & Research 52(4):1916-1946.
- Sunwoong Kim, Mick P Couper. 2023. A National RDD Smartphone Web Survey: Comparison With a Large-Scale CAPI Survey. Social Science Computer Review 42(4):1041-1065.
- Annette Jäckle, Jonathan Burton, Mick P Couper. 2023. Understanding Society: minimising selection biases in data collection using mobile apps. Fiscal Studies 44(4):361-376.
- Becker, Nora V., Koripella, Sribharat, Karmakar, Monita, Mick P Couper, Gerber, Elisabeth R., Jeffrey D Morenoff, Ayanian, John Z.. 2022. Rates of Delayed Care Among Detroit Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of General Internal Medicine
- Brady Thomas West, William G Axinn, Mick P Couper, Heather Gatny, Heather Marie Schroeder. 2022. A Web-based Event History Calendar Approach for Measuring Contraceptive Use Behavior. Field Methods 34(1):3-19.
- Mary Beth Ofstedal, Kezdi, Gabor, Mick P Couper. 2022. Data quality and response distributions in a mixed-mode survey. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 13(4):621-646.
- Megan E Patrick, Yuk Pang, Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Ginny Laetz, Mick P Couper. 2022. Comparison of a web-push vs. mailed survey protocol in the Monitoring the Future panel study among adults ages 35 to 60. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 4:100089.
- Vasja Vehovar, Mick P Couper, Gregor Ehovin. 2022. Alternative Layouts for Grid Questions in PC and Mobile Web Surveys: An Experimental Evaluation Using Response Quality Indicators and Survey Estimates. Social Science Computer Review
- Megan E Patrick, Mick P Couper, Jang,Bohyun, Virginia Laetz, John E Schulenberg, Patrick M. O’Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 2022. Building on a Sequential Mixed-Mode Research Design in the Monitoring the Future Study. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10(1):149-160.
- Annette Jäckle, Wenz, Alexander, Burton, Jonathan, Mick P Couper. 2022. Increasing Participation in a Mobile App Study: The Effects of a Sequential Mixed-Mode Design and In-Interview Invitation. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10(4):898-922.
- Erin F. Carlton, Ice,Erin, Ryan P. Barbaro, Lee Kampuis, Marc Moss, Derek Angus, Valerie M. Banner-Goodspeed, Adit A. Ginde, Michelle N. Gong, Colin K. Grissom, Peter C. Hou, David T. Huang, Catherine Terri Lee Hough, Daniel S. Talmor, B. Taylor Thompson, Donald M. Yealy, Mick P Couper, Theodore Iwashyna. 2021. Recall of clinical trial participation and attrition rates in survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Journal of Critical Care 64:160-164.
- Angrisani, Marco, Mick P Couper. 2021. A Simple Question Goes a Long Way: A Wording Experiment on Bank Account Ownership. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Joseph W. Sakshaug, Alexandra Schmucker, Frauke Kreuter, Mick P Couper, Leonie Holtmann. 2021. Respondent Understanding of Data Linkage Consent. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF)
- William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, Scott Crawford. 2021. Applying Responsive Survey Design to Small-Scale Surveys: Campus Surveys of Sexual Misconduct. Sociological Methods & Research
- Richard Allen Miech, Mick P Couper, Steven G Heeringa, Megan E Patrick. 2021. The impact of survey mode on US national estimates of adolescent drug prevalence: results from a randomized controlled study. Addiction 116(5):1144-1151.
- Annette Jäckle, Kelsey Beninger, Jonathan Burton, Mick P Couper. 2021. Understanding Data Linkage Consent in Longitudinal Surveys. Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology :122-150.
- Alycia Chin, Mick P Couper, Dustin Beckett. 2021. Attrition in a Longitudinal Online Randomized Controlled Trial with Prospective Homeowners. Field Methods 33(1):3-24.
- Mary Beth Ofstedal, McClain,Colleen, Mick P Couper. 2021. Measuring Cognition in a Multi-Mode Context. Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology :250-271.
- Melanie Revilla, Mick P Couper, Ezequiel Paura, Carlos Ochoa. 2021. Willingness to Participate in a Metered Online Panel. Field Methods 33(2):202-216.
- Annette Jäckle, Mick P Couper, Alessandra Gaia, Carli Lessof. 2021. Improving Survey Measurement of Household Finances: A Review of New Data Sources and Technologies. Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology :337-367.
- Megan E Patrick, Mick P Couper, Michael J. Parks, Virginia Laetz, John E Schulenberg. 2021. Comparison of a Web-Push survey research protocol with a mailed paper and pencil protocol in the âMonitoring the Futureâ Panel Survey. Addiction 116(1):191-199.
- Richard Allen Miech, Mick P Couper, Steven G Heeringa, Megan E Patrick. 2021. The Impact of Survey Mode on U.S. National Estimates of Adolescent Drug Prevalence: Results from a Randomized-Controlled Study. Addiction 116(5):1144-1151.
- Mio Nakamura, Naomi F. Briones, Thy Thy Do, Mick P Couper, Kelly B. Cha. 2020. Dermatologist demographics and patient satisfaction: A single-center survey study. International Journal of Women's Dermatology 6(4):290-293.
- Andrew Copas, Sarah Burkill, Frederick G Conrad, Mick P Couper, Bob Erens. 2020. An evaluation of whether propensity score adjustment can remove the self-selection bias inherent to web panel surveys addressing sensitive health behaviours. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20:251.
- Sunwoong Kim, Mick P Couper. 2020. Feasibility and Quality of a National RDD Smartphone Web Survey: Comparison With a Cell Phone CATI Survey. Social Science Computer Review 39(6):1218-1236.
- Mick P Couper, Revilla, Melanie , Bosch, Oriol J, Asensio, Marc . 2020. Testing the Use of Voice Input in a Smartphone Web Survey. Social Science Computer Review 38(2):207-224.
- Jan Karem Höhne, Stephan Schlosser, Mick P Couper, Annelies G. Blom. 2020. Switching away: Exploring on-device media multitasking in web surveys. Computers in Human Behavior 111:106417.
- Jan Karem Höhne, Cornesse, Carina, Schlosser, Stephan, Mick P Couper, Blom, Annelies G. 2020. Looking Up Answers to Political Knowledge Questions in Web Surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly 84(4):986–999.
- Mick P Couper, Bucks, Brian , Fulford, Scott L. 2020. A Mixed-Mode and Incentive Experiment using Administrative Data. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 8(2):352-369.
- Mick P Couper, Frederick G Conrad, Geary, Rebecca S, Erens, Bob , Copas, Andrew J, Burkill, Sarah , Sonnenberg, Pam , Mercer, Catherine H. 2019. Measuring sexual behaviours and attitudes in hard-to-reach groups. A comparison of a non-probability web survey with a national probability sample survey. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF)
- Mick P Couper, Wenz, Alexander , Jäckle, Annette . 2019. Willingness to use mobile technologies for data collection in a probability household panel. Survey Research Methods 13(1):1-22.
- Mick P Couper, Jäckle, Annette , Burton, Jonathan , Lessof, Carli . 2019. Participation in a mobile app survey to collect expenditure data as part of a large-scale probability household panel: coverage and participation rates and biases. Survey Research Methods 13(1):23-44.
- Joseph Walter Sakshaug, Frauke Kreuter, Mick P Couper, Singer, Eleanor, Schmucker, Alexandra . 2019. The Effect of Framing and Placement on Linkage Consent. Public Opinion Quarterly 83(Supplement_1):289-308.
- Joseph W. Sakshaug, Basha Vicari, Mick P Couper. 2019. Paper, E-mail, or Both? Effects of Contact Mode on Participation in a Web Survey of Establishments. Social Science Computer Review 37(6):750-765.
- Megan E Patrick, Mick P Couper, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Jang, Bohyun J, Laetz, Virginia . 2019. Two-Year Follow-up of a Sequential Mixed-Mode Experiment in the U.S. National Monitoring the Future Study. Survey Practice 12(1):8358.
- Mick P Couper, Michael R Elliott, Cronin, Robert M, Jerome, Rebecca N, Mapes, Brandy , Andrade, Regina , Johnston, Rebecca , Ayala, Jennifer , Schlundt, David , Bonnet, Kemberlee , Kripalani, Sunil , Goggins, Kathryn , Wallston, Kenneth A, Harris, Paul , Begale, Mark , Munoz, Fatima , Lopez-Class, Maria , Cella, David , Condon, David , AuYoung, Mona , Mazor, Kathleen M, Mikita, Steve , Manganiello, Michael , Borselli, Nicholas , Fowler, Stephanie , Rutter, Joni L, Denny, Joshua C, Karlson, Elizabeth W, Ahmedani, Brian K, O'Donnell, Christopher J, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Pilot Team, a the Participant Provided Information Committee. 2019. Development of the Initial Surveys for the All of Us Research Program. Epidemiology 30(4):597.
- James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, Heather Gatny. 2019. The utility of a follow-up interview for respondents to a longitudinal survey with frequent measurement. Social Science Research 82:113-125.
- Mick P Couper, Revilla, Melanie . 2019. Improving the Use of Voice Recording in a Smartphone Survey. Social Science Computer Review
- Christopher Antoun, Frederick G Conrad, Mick P Couper, Brady Thomas West. 2019. Simultaneous estimation of multiple sources of error in a smartphone-based survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 7(1):93-117.
- Mick P Couper, Selkälä, Arto . 2019. Automatic Versus Manual Forwarding in Web Surveys. Social Science Computer Review
- Mick P Couper, Lee, Hana , Kim, Sunwoong , Woo, Youngje . 2019. Experimental Comparison of PC Web, Smartphone Web, and Telephone Surveys in the New Technology Era. Social Science Computer Review 37(2):234-247.
- Mick P Couper, Andrew L Hupp, Gregg Peterson, Andrew Piskorowski, Brady Thomas West, McClain, Colleen A, Keusch, Florian . 2019. A Typology of Web Survey Paradata for Assessing Total Survey Error. Social Science Computer Review 37(2):196-213.
- Mick P Couper, Revilla, Melanie , Ochoa, Carlos . 2019. Willingness of Online Panelists to Perform Additional Tasks. methods, data, analyses; Online FirstDO - 10.12758/mda.2018.01 13(2):223-252.
- Mick P Couper, Revilla, Melanie . 2018. Testing different rank order question layouts for PC and smartphone respondents. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21(6):695-712.
- Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Brady Thomas West, Guyer, Heidi Marie, Gremel, Garret . 2018. New options for national population surveys: The implications of internet and smartphone coverage. Social Science Research 73:221-235.
- Mick P Couper, Revilla, Melanie , Ochoa, Carlos . 2018. Giving Respondents Voice? The Feasibility of Voice Input for Mobile Web Surveys. Survey Practice 11(2)
- Mick P Couper, Bucks, Brian . 2018. The Fine Print: The Effect of Legal/Regulatory Language on Mail Survey Response. Survey Practice 11(2)
- Mick P Couper, Mavletova, Aigul , Lebedev, Daniil . 2018. Grid and Item-by-Item Formats in PC and Mobile Web Surveys. Social Science Computer Review 36(6):647-668.
- Mick P Couper, Gregg Peterson. 2017. Why Do Web Surveys Take Longer on Smartphones?. Social Science Computer Review 35(3):357-377.
- Aigul Mavletova, Mick P Couper. 2015. A Meta-Analysis of Breakoff Rates in Mobile Web Surveys. Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of Mobile Research Methodologies :81-98.
- Mick P Couper. 2013. Is the sky falling? New technology, changing media, and the future of surveys. Survey Research Methods 7(3):145-156.
- Mick P Couper, Mavletova, Aigul . 2013. Sensitive topics in PC web and mobile web surveys: Is there a difference?. Survey Research Methods 7(3):191-205.
- Heather Gatny, Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2009. Using Debit Cards for Incentive Payments: Experiences of a Weekly Survey Study. Survey Practice 2(7)
- Mick P Couper, Wong, J B, Levin, C , Van Hoewyk, J , Zikmund-Fisher, B J. 2009. A National Survey of Decision-Making in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: Knowledge and Perspectives on Coronary Revascularization. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53(10):A368-A369.
- Victor Strecher, Jennifer McClure, Gwen Alexander, Bibhas Chakraborty, Vijay Nair, Janine Konkel, Sarah Greene, Mick P Couper, Carlier,Carola, Cheryl Wiese, Roderick J Little, Cynthia Pomerleau, Ovide Pomerleau. 2008. The Role of Engagement in a Tailored Web-Based Smoking Cessation Program: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 10(5):e36.
- Mick P Couper, Valerio, M A, Janz, N K, Parker, E A, Connell, C M. 2007. Women with asthma: Who uses an asthma diary and how helpful is it?. Chest 132(4):450S-450S.
- Mick P Couper, Reed, B D, Crawford, S , Cave, C , Haefner, H K. 2004. Pain at the Vulvar Vestibule: A Web-Based Survey. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease 8(1):48-57.
- James M Lepkowski, Mick P Couper. 2002. Nonresponse in Longitudinal Household Surveys. Survey Nonresponse
- Mick P Couper, Blair, J , Triplett, T . 1999. A Comparison of Mail and E-mail for a Survey of Employees in U.S. Statistical Agencies. Journal of Official Statistics 15(1):39-56.
- N. J. Rhoodie, Mick P Couper. 1988. South Africans’ percepetions of political reform. South Africa : the challenge of reform :245-288.
- N. J. Rhoodie, Mick P Couper. 1987. Whites’ perceptions of the fundamental issues surrounding the election of 6 May 1987. South African election 1987 : context, process and prospect