Data Warehouse and Reporting Systems Developer
- Mick P Couper, Andrew L Hupp, Gregg Peterson, Andrew Piskorowski, Brady Thomas West, McClain, Colleen A, Keusch, Florian . 2019. A Typology of Web Survey Paradata for Assessing Total Survey Error. Social Science Computer Review 37(2):196-213.
- James Robert Wagner, Heather Marie Schroeder, Andrew Piskorowski, Robert J. Ursano, Murray B. Stein, Steven G Heeringa, Lisa J. Colpe. 2017. Timing the Mode Switch in a Sequential Mixed-Mode Survey: An Experimental Evaluation of the Impact on Final Response Rates, Key Estimates, and Costs. Social Science Computer Review 35(2):262-276.
- James Robert Wagner, Heather Marie Schroeder, Andrew Piskorowski, Steven G Heeringa, Ursano, Robert J, Stein, Murray B, Colpe, Lisa J. 2016. Timing the Mode Switch in a Sequential Mixed-Mode Survey: An Experimental Evaluation of the Impact on Final Response Rates, Key Estimates, and Costs. Social Science Computer Review