Richard D Remington Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics, Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Professor Emeritus of Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor Emeritus of Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Rod Little chaired the Biostatistics Department from January 2007 to December 2009, and from 1993 to 2001. Prior to that he was Professor in the Department of Biomathematics at the University of California at Los Angeles; Research Fellow at the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1982-83); Expert Consultant at the United States Environmental Protection Agency; Scientific Associate at the World Fertility Survey; and Research Associate (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Statistics, University of Chicago.
Active editorially, he was Coordinating and Applications Editor of the Journal of the American Statistical Association from 1992-1994, and he is currently co-editor of the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. From Jan 2010-Dec 2012 Little was a Vice President of the American Statistical Association.
Since his fellowship at the Census Bureau he has been interested in federal statistical issues such as the census undercount, and he has served as a member of the Committee on National Statistics and a number of other National Research Council committees. In 2009-10 he chaired an NRC study on the prevention and treatment of missing data in clinical trials. From Sep 2010-Jan 2013 Little served as the inaugural Associate Director for Research and Methodology and Chief Scientist at the U.S. Census Bureau.
An ISI highly cited researcher, he has over 200 refereed publications, notably on methods for the analysis of data with missing values and model-based survey inference, and the application of statistics to diverse scientific areas, including medicine, demography, economics, psychiatry, aging and the environment. He has chaired or co-chaired 29 doctoral committees. In 2005 Dr. Little received the Wilks’ Memorial Award from the American Statistical Association for his research contributions. At the Joint Statistical Meetings, he gave the President’s Invited Address in 2005 and the COPSS Fisher lecture in 2012.
Little is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the National Academy of Medicine.
- Roderick J Little. 2024. Missing Data Analysis. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 20:149-173.
- Roderick J Little. 2023. Some Reflections on Rosenbaum and Rubin’s Propensity Score Paper. Observational Studies 9(1):69-75.
- Yajuan Si, Heeringa,Steven G, Johnson, David, Roderick J Little, Liu, Wenshuo, Fabian T Pfeffer, Trivellore E Raghunathan. 2023. Multiple Imputation with Massive Data: An Application to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 11(1):260-283.
- Yu, Yuanzhi, Roderick J Little, Perzanowski, Matthew, Chen, Qixuan. 2023. Multiple imputation of more than one environmental exposure with nondifferential measurement error. Biostatistics
- Roderick J Little. 2023. Bayes, buttressed by design-based ideas, is the best overarching paradigm for sample survey inference. Survey Methodology 48(2)
- Roderick J Little, James R. Carpenter, Katherine J. Lee. 2022. A Comparison of Three Popular Methods for Handling Missing Data: Complete-Case Analysis, Inverse Probability Weighting, and Multiple Imputation. Sociological Methods & Research
- Sahar Z. Zangeneh, Roderick J Little. 2022. Likelihood-Based Inference for the Finite Population Mean with Post-Stratification Information Under Non-Ignorable Non-Response. International Statistical Review 90(S1):S17-S36.
- Zhou, Tingting, Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little. 2022. Addressing Disparities in the Propensity Score Distributions for Treatment Comparisons from Observational Studies. Stats 5(4):1254-1270.
- Marco H. Benedetti, Veronica J. Berrocal, Roderick J. Little, Marco H. Benedetti, Veronica J. Berrocal, Roderick J Little. 2022. Accounting for survey design in Bayesian disaggregation of survey-based areal estimates of proportions: An application to the American Community Survey. The Annals of Applied Statistics 16(4):2201-2230.
- Yajuan Si, Roderick J Little, Ya Mo, Nell Sedransk. 2022. A Case Study of Nonresponse Bias Analysis in Educational Assessment Surveys. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
- Roderick J Little. 2021. Missing Data Assumptions. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 8(1):89-107.
- Zhou, Tingting, Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little. 2021. Robust Causal Estimation from Observational Studies Using Penalized Spline of Propensity Score for Treatment Comparison. Stats 4(2):529-549.
- Philip S. Boonstra, Roderick J Little, Brady Thomas West, Rebecca R. Andridge, Fernanda Alvarado-Leiton. 2021. A Simulation Study of Diagnostics for Selection Bias. Journal of Official Statistics 37(3):751-769.
- Roderick J Little. 2021. A Note About the Definition of Response Propensity for Survey Nonresponse. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Roderick J Little, Roger J. Lewis. 2021. Estimands, Estimators, and Estimates. JAMA 326(10):967-968.
- Ye Yang, Roderick J Little. 2021. Spline Pattern-Mixture Models for Missing Data. Journal of Data Science 19(1):75-95.
- Katherine J. Lee, Kate M. Tilling, Rosie P. Cornish, Roderick J Little, Melanie L. Bell, Els Goetghebeur, Joseph W. Hogan, James R. Carpenter, the STRATOS initiative. 2021. Framework for the treatment and reporting of missing data in observational studies: The Treatment And Reporting of Missing data in Observational Studies framework. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 134:79-88.
- Youfei Yu, Min Zhang, Xu Shi, Megan E. V. Caram, Roderick J Little, Bhramar Mukherjee. 2021. A comparison of parametric propensity score-based methods for causal inference with multiple treatments and?a binary outcome. Statistics in Medicine 40(7):1653-1677.
- Brady Thomas West, Roderick J Little, Rebecca R. Andridge, Philip S. Boonstra, Erin Bakshis Ware, Anita Pandit, Fernanda Alvarado-Leiton. 2021. Assessing selection bias in regression coefficients estimated from nonprobability samples with applications to genetics and demographic surveys. The Annals of Applied Statistics 15(3):1556-1581.
- Niko A. Kaciroti, Roderick J Little. 2021. Bayesian sensitivity analyses for longitudinal data with dropouts that are potentially missing not at random: A high dimensional pattern-mixture model. Statistics in Medicine 40(21):4609-4628.
- Roderick J Little. 2020. On algorithmic and modeling approaches to imputation in large data sets. Statistica Sinica 30:1685-1696.
- Roderick J Little, Brady Thomas West, Philip S. Boonstra, Jingwei Hu. 2020. Measures of the Degree of Departure from Ignorable Sample Selection. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 8(5):932-964.
- Rebecca R. Andridge, Roderick J Little. 2020. Proxy Pattern-Mixture Analysis for a Binary Variable Subject to Nonresponse. Journal of Official Statistics 36(3):703-728.
- Roderick J Little, Franco, Carolina , Louis, Thomas A, Slud, Eric V. 2019. Comparative Study of Confidence Intervals for Proportions in Complex Sample Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 7(3):334-364.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little, Zhou, Tingting . 2019. Penalized Spline of Propensity Methods for Treatment Comparison. Journal of the American Statistical Association 114(525):1-19.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little, Zhou, Tingting . 2019. Penalized Spline of Propensity Methods for Treatment Comparison: Rejoinder. Journal of the American Statistical Association 114(525):35-38.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 2019. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, Second Edition.
- Roderick J Little, Beesley, Lauren J, Taylor, Jeremy M. G.. 2019. Sequential imputation for models with latent variables assuming latent ignorability. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 61(2):213-233.
- Brady Thomas West, Roderick J Little, Andridge, Rebecca R, Boonstra, Philip S, Alvarado-Leiton, Fernanda . 2019. Indices of non-ignorable selection bias for proportions estimated from non-probability samples. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 68(5):1465-1483.
- Roderick J Little, Brady Thomas West, Boonstra, Philip S, Hu, Jingwei . 2019. Measures of the Degree of Departure from Ignorable Sample Selection. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology :smz023.
- Roderick J Little, Donald B. Rubin. 2019. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data.
- Gonzalez,Richard D, Roderick J Little, Lupia,Arthur, Benjamin, Daniel J., Xie, Yu, Berger, James O, Johannesson, Magnus , Nosek, Brian A, Wagenmakers, E -J, Berk, Richard , Bollen, Kenneth A, Brembs, Bjorn , Brown, Lawrence , Camerer, Colin , Cesarini, David , Chambers, Christopher D, Clyde, Merlise , Cook, Thomas D, De Boeck, Paul , Dienes, Zoltan . 2018. Redefine statistical significance. Nature Human Behaviour 2:6-10.
- Lisa M Lewandowski-Romps, Heather Marie Schroeder, Roderick J Little, Colter Mitchell, Schulz,Paul Chapin, Steven G Heeringa, Berglund, Patricia A., Colpe, Lisa J, Cox, Kenneth , Hauret, Keith , Hay, Jeffrey D, Jones, Bruce , Schoenbaum, Michael , Stein, Murray B, Ursano, Robert J. 2018. Medical-encounter mental health diagnoses, non-fatal injury and polypharmacy indicators of risk for accident death in the US Army enlisted soldiers, 2004ñ2009. Preventive Medicine 111:299-306.
- Lisa M Lewandowski-Romps, Heather Marie Schroeder, Berglund,Patricia, Lisa J. Colpe, Kenneth Cox, Keith Hauret, Jeffrey D. Hay, Bruce Jones, Roderick J Little, Colter Mitchell, Michael Schoenbaum, Schulz,Paul Chapin, Murray B. Stein, Robert J. Ursano, Steven G Heeringa. 2018. Medical-encounter mental health diagnoses, non-fatal injury and polypharmacy indicators of risk for accident death in the US Army enlisted soldiers, 2004-2009. Preventive medicine 111:299-306.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little, Chen, Qixuan , Haziza, David , Yang, Ye , Ghosh, Malay , Sedransk, Joseph , Thompson, Mary . 2017. Approaches to Improving Survey-Weighted Estimates. Statistical Science 32(2):227-248.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B, Zangeneh, Sahar Z. 2017. Conditions for Ignoring the Missing-Data Mechanism in Likelihood Inferences for Parameter Subsets. Journal of the American Statistical Association 112(517):314-320.
- Roderick J Little, Walicke, Patricia , Abosch, Aviva , Asher, Anthony , Ghogawala, Zoher , Harbaugh, Robert , Jehi, Lara , Kestle, John , Koroshetz, Walter , Rubin, Donald , Valadka, Alex , Wisniewski, Stephen , Chiocca, E A, Barker II, Fred G. 2017. Launching Effectiveness Research to Guide Practice in Neurosurgery: A National Institute Neurological Disorders and Stroke Workshop Report. Neurosurgery 80(4):505-514.
- Roderick J Little, Murdock, B J, Zhou, T , Kashlan, S R, Goutman, S A, Feldman, E L. 2017. Correlation of peripheral immunity with rapid amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression. JAMA Neurology 74(12):1446-1454.
- Roderick J Little, Paul Burton, Wang, Julia , Sun, Xiang , Tian, Hong , Suh, Eun-Young , Lee, Michael , Sarich, Troy , Oppenheimer, Leonard , Plotnikov, Alexei , Wittes, Janet , Cook-Bruns, Nancy , Gibson, C Michael, Mohanty, Surya . 2016. The treatment of missing data in a large cardiovascular clinical outcomes study. Clinical Trials 13(3):344-351.
- Roderick J Little, Thomas, Neal , Harel, Ofer . 2016. Analyzing clinical trial outcomes based on incomplete daily diary reports. Statistics in medicine 35(17):2894-2906.
- Roderick J Little. 2016. Missing Data/Imputation. The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging :915-919.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little. 2015. Discussion of "On Bayesian Estimation of Marginal Structural Models". Biometrics 71(2):288-291.
- Roderick J Little, Kang, Shan , Kaciroti, Niko . 2015. Missing not at random models for masked clinical trials with dropouts. Clinical Trials 12(2):139-148.
- Roderick J Little. 2015. Calibrated Bayes, an inferential paradigm for official statistics in the era of big data. Statistical Journal of the IAOS 31(4):555-563.
- Roderick J Little, Kang, Shan . 2015. Intention-to-treat analysis with treatment discontinuation and missing data in clinical trials. Statistics in medicine 34(16):2381-2390.
- Steven G Heeringa, Lisa M Lewandowski-Romps, Roderick J Little, Kessler,Ronald C, Street, A E, Gilman, S E, Rosellini, A J, Stein, M B, Bromet, E J, Cox, K L, Colpe, L J, Fullerton, C S, Gruber, M J, Naifeh, J A, Nock, M K, Sampson, N A, Schoenbaum, M , Ursano, R J, Zaslavsky, A M. 2015. Understanding the elevated suicide risk of female soldiers during deployments. Psychological medicine 45(4):717-726.
- Roderick J Little, Zangeneh, Sahar Z. 2015. Bayesian Inference for the Finite Population Total from a Heteroscedastic Probability Proportional to Size Sample. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 3(2):162-192.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, Nanhua . 2015. Subsample ignorable likelihood for accelerated failure time models with missing predictors. Lifetime Data Analysis 21(3):457-469.
- Ye Yang, Roderick J Little. 2015. A comparison of doubly robust estimators of the mean with missing data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85(16):3383-3403.
- Roderick J Little, Joyce, Patrick M, Malec, Donald , Gilary, Aaron , Navarro, Alfredo , Asiala, Mark E. 2014. Statistical Modeling Methodology for the Voting Rights Act Section 203 Language Assistance Determinations. Journal of the American Statistical Association 109(505):36-47.
- Roderick J Little, Li, T , Hutfless, S , Scharfstein, D O, Daniels, M J, Hogan, J W, Roy, J A, Law, A H, Dickersin, K . 2014. Standards should be applied in the prevention and handling of missing data for patient-centered outcomes research: a systematic review and expert consensus. Journal of clinical epidemiology 67(1):15-32.
- Roderick J Little, Yang, Ye . 2014. A comparison of doubly robust estimators of the mean with missing data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85(16):3383-3403.
- Roderick J Little, Guo, Ying . 2013. Bayesian Multiple Imputation for Assay Data Subject to Measurement Error. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 7(2):219-232.
- Roderick J Little. 2013. In Praise of Simplicity not Mathematistry! Ten Simple Powerful Ideas for the Statistical Scientist. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108(502):359-369.
- Brady Thomas West, Roderick J Little. 2013. Non-response adjustment of survey estimates based on auxiliary variables subject to error. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 62(2):213-231.
- Roderick J Little, Ralph D'Agostino, Michael L. Cohen, Kay Dickersin, Scott S. Emerson, John T. Farrar, Constantine Frangakis, Joseph W. Hogan, Geert Molenberghs, Susan A. Murphy, James D. Neaton, Andrea Rotnitzky, Daniel Scharfstein, Weichung J. Shih, Jay P. Siegel, Hal Stern. 2013. The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials. New England Journal of Medicine 367(14):1355-1360.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little, Chen, Qixuan . 2012. Bayesian inference for finite population quantiles from unequal probability samples. Survey Methodology 38(2):203-214.
- Roderick J Little, Guo, Y , McConnell, D S. 2012. On using summary statistics from an external calibration sample to correct for covariate measurement error. Epidemiology 23(1):165-174.
- Roderick J Little. 2012. Calibrated Bayes, an Alternative Inferential Paradigm for Official Statistics. Journal of Official Statistics 28(3):309-334.
- Roderick J Little, Cohen, M L, Dickersin, K , Emerson, S S, Farrar, J T, Neaton, J D, Siegel, J P, Stern, H . 2012. The design and conduct of clinical trials to limit missing data. Statistics in medicine 31(28):3433-3343.
- Roderick J Little, Murphy, Susan A., D'Agostino, Ralph , Cohen, Michael L, Dickersin, Kay , Emerson, Scott S, Farrar, John T, Frangakis, Constantine , Hogan, Joseph W, Molenberghs, Geert , Neaton, James D, Rotnitzky, Andrea , Scharfstein, Daniel , Shih, Weichung J, Siegel, Jay P, Stern, Hal . 2012. The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials. New England Journal of Medicine 367(14):1355-1360.
- Roderick J Little, Sinsheimer, Janet S, Lake, James A. 2012. Rooting Gene Trees without Outgroups: EP Rooting. Genome Biology and Evolution 4(8):709-719.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, Nanhua . 2012. A Pseudo-Bayesian Shrinkage Approach to Regression with Missing Covariates. Biometrics 68(3):933-942.
- Roderick J Little, Andridge, Rebecca R. 2011. Proxy Pattern-Mixture Analysis for Survey Nonresponse. Journal of Official Statistics 27(2):153-180.
- Roderick J Little, Michael R Elliott, Harlow, Sioban D., Cain, Kevin C, Nan, Bin , Yosef, Matheos , Taffe, John R. 2011. Bias Due to Left Truncation and Left Censoring in Longitudinal Studies of Developmental and Disease Processes. American Journal of Epidemiology 173(9):1078-1084.
- Roderick J Little, Giusti, Caterina . 2011. An Analysis of Nonignorable Nonresponse to Income in a Survey with a Rotating Panel Design. Journal of Official Statistics 2011(2):211-229.
- Roderick J Little, Guo, Ying . 2011. Regression analysis with covariates that have heteroscedastic measurement error. Statistics in medicine 30(18):2278-2294.
- Roderick J Little, James M Lepkowski, Ismail, Amid I, Ondersma, Steven , Willem Jedele, Jenefer M. 2011. Evaluation of a brief tailored motivational intervention to prevent early childhood caries. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 39(5):433-448.
- Li,Yan, Roderick J Little, Taylor, Jeremy M. G.. 2011. A shrinkage approach for estimating a treatment effect using intermediate biomarker data in clinical trials. Biometrics 67(4):1434-1441.
- Roderick J Little. 2011. Calibrated Bayes, for Statistics in General, and Missing Data in Particular. Statistical Science 2011(2):162-174.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Yosef, M , Nan, B . 2011. A method for longitudinal prospective evaluation of markers for a subsequent event. American Journal of Epidemiology 173(12):1380-1387.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, N . 2011. Subsample ignorable likelihood for regression analysis with missing data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 60(4):591-605.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, Guangyu . 2011. A comparative study of doubly robust estimators of the mean with missing data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81(12):2039-2058.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Wang, C , Nan, B . 2011. A Hot-Deck Multiple Imputation Procedure for Gaps in Longitudinal Recurrent Event Histories. Biometrics 67(4):1573-1582. PMCID: PMC3279741.
- Roderick J Little, McNally,James W, An, D . 2010. A multiple imputation approach to disclosure limitation for high-age individuals in longitudinal studies. Statistics in medicine 29(17):1769-1778.
- Roderick J Little, An, Hyonggin , Bozoki, Andrea . 2010. A statistical algorithm for detecting cognitive plateaus in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Applied Statistics 37(5):779-789.
- Roderick J Little, Andridge, Rebecca R. 2010. A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non-response. International Statistical Review 78(1):40-64.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little, Chen, Q . 2010. Bayesian penalized spline model-based inference for finite population proportion in unequal probability sampling. Survey Methodology 36(1):23-34.
- Roderick J Little, Michael R Elliott, James M Lepkowski, Chen, Qixuan , Garabrant, David H, Hedgeman, Elizabeth , Gillespie, Brenda , Hong, Biling , Lee, Shih-Yuan , Franzblau, Alfred , Adriaens, Peter , Demond, Avery H, Patterson, Donald G. Jr. 2010. Estimation of Background Serum 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentrations By Using Quantile Regression in the UMDES and NHANES Populations. Epidemiology 21(4 Supplement):S51-S57.
- Roderick J Little, Clark, Noreen M, Shah, Smita , Dodge, Julia A, Thomas, Lara J, Andridge, Rebecca R. 2010. An evaluation of asthma interventions for preteen students.(Report). Journal of School Health 80(2):80-87.
- Roderick J Little, McClure, James, Alexander, G L, Zhang, N , Maddy, N , Nowak, M A, Calvi, J J, Rolnick, S J, Stopponi, M A, Johnson, C C. 2010. Engagement and retention: Measuring breadth and depth of participant use of an online intervention. Journal of Medical Internet Research 12(4):e52p.1-e52p.15.
- Roderick J Little, Guo, Y , Harel, O . 2010. How well quantified is the limit of quantification?. Epidemiology 21(SUPPL. 4):S10-S16.
- Roderick J Little. 2010. Discussion of articles on the design of the National Children's Study. Statistics in medicine 29(13):1388-1390.
- Roderick J Little, Long, Qi , Lin, Xihong . 2010. Estimating causal effects in trials involving multitreatment arms subject to non-compliance: a Bayesian framework. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 59(3):513-531.
- Roderick J Little, Nair, Vijayan N., Resnicow, K , Strecher, Victor , Chua, Hannah , Polk, Thad A, Atienza, Audie A. 2010. Methodological and Design Issues in Patient-Centered e-Health Research. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 38(1):98-102.
- Roderick J Little, Schisterman, E F. 2010. Opening the black box of biomarker measurement error. Epidemiology 21(SUPPL. 4):S1-S3.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, X , Johnson, T D, Cao, Y . 2010. A bayesian image analysis of radiation induced changes in tumor vascular permeability. Bayesian Analysis 5(1):189-212.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, Xiaoxi , Johnson, Timothy D, Cao, Yue . 2010. Longitudinal image analysis of tumour/healthy brain change in contrast uptake induced by radiation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 59(5):821-838.
- Roderick J Little, Zhou, Y , Kalbfleisch, J D. 2010. Block-conditional missing at random models for missing data. Statistical Science 25(4):517-532.
- Hyonggin An, Roderick J Little, Andrea Bozoki. 2010. A statistical algorithm for detecting cognitive plateaus in Alzheimerâs disease. Journal of Applied Statistics 37(5):779-789.
- Roderick J Little. 2010. Discussion of articles on the design of the National Childrenâs Study. Statistics in medicine 29(13):1388-1390.
- Roderick J Little, Andridge, R H. 2009. The use of sample weights in hot deck imputation. Journal of Official Statistics 25(1):21-36.
- Roderick J Little, Bozoki, Andrea C, An, Hyonggin , Bozoki, Eva S. 2009. The existence of cognitive plateaus in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 5(6):470-478.
- Roderick J Little. 2009. Comments on: Missing data methods in longitudinal studies: a review. Test 18(1):47-50.
- Roderick J Little. 2009. Selection and pattern-mixture models. Longitudinal data analysis :409.
- Roderick J Little, Long, Qi , Lin, Xihong . 2009. A Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Causal Effect of a Treatment in Randomized Clinical Trials Subject to Noncompliance. Biometrics 65(2):640-649.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, Guangyu . 2009. Robust likelihood-based analysis of longitudinal data with missing values. Methodology of longitudinal surveys :317.
- Roderick J Little, Yuan, Ying . 2009. Mixed-Effect Hybrid Models for Longitudinal Data with Nonignorable Dropout. Biometrics 65(2):478-486.
- Roderick J Little, Yuan, Ying . 2009. Meta-Analysis of Studies with Missing Data. Biometrics 65(2):487-496.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, Guangyu . 2009. Extensions of the Penalized Spline of Propensity Prediction Method of Imputation. Biometrics 65(3):911-918.
- Andrea C. Bozoki, Hyonggin An, Eva S. Bozoki, Roderick J Little. 2009. The existence of cognitive plateaus in Alzheimerâs disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 5(6):470-478.
- Roderick J Little, An, Hyonggin . 2008. Robust Model-Based Inference for Incomplete Data via Penalized Spline Propensity Prediction. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 37(9):1718-1731.
- Roderick J Little, Bell, Robert M, Cohen, Michael L. 2008. Research and plans for coverage measurement in the 2010 census.
- Roderick J Little, Liang, Jersey, Clark, Noreen M, Janz, Nancy K, Dodge, Julia A, Mosca, Lori , Lin, Xihong , Long, Qi , Wheeler, John R. C., Keteyian, Steven . 2008. The effect of patient choice of intervention on health outcomes. Contemporary Clinical Trials 29(5):679-686.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Mitchell, Ellen S, Crawford, Sybil , Nan, Bin , Taffe, John . 2008. The ReSTAGE Collaboration: defining optimal bleeding criteria for onset of early menopausal transition. Fertility and sterility 89(1):129-140.
- Roderick J Little, Long, Q , Lin, X . 2008. Comment on "Can Nonrandomized Experiments Yield Accurate Answers? A Randomized Experiment Comparing Random and Nonrandom Assignments". Journal of the American Statistical Association 103(484):1344-1346.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Yosef, Matheos , Cain, Kevin C, Nan, Bin . 2008. A hot-deck multiple imputation procedure for gaps in longitudinal data on recurrent events. Statistics in medicine 27(1):103-120.
- Roderick J Little, Long, Qi , Lin, Xihong . 2008. Causal Inference in Hybrid Intervention Trials Involving Treatment Choice. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103(482):474-484.
- Roderick J Little, Nair, Vijayan N., Fagerlin, Angela Tsai, Murphy, Susan A., Strecher, Victor , Ubel, Peter , Resnicow, K , Chakraborty, Bibhas , Zhang, Aijun . 2008. Screening Experiments and the Use of Fractional Factorial Designs in Behavioral Intervention Research. American Journal of Public Health 98(8):1354-1359.
- Roderick J Little, McClure, James, Nair, Vijayan N., Strecher, V J, Alexander, G , Chakraborty, B , Konkel, J , Greene, S M. 2008. The role of engagement in a tailored web-based smoking cessation program: Results of a randomized trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 10:e36.
- Carlier,Carola, Roderick J Little, Nair, Vijayan N., Strecher, Victor J, Mcclure, Jennifer B, Alexander, Gwen L, Chakraborty, Bibhas , Konkel, Janine M, Greene, Sarah M, Collins, Linda M, Wiese, Cheryl J, Pomerleau, Cynthia S, Pomerleau, Ovide F. 2008. Web-Based Smoking-Cessation Programs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 34(5):373-381.
- Roderick J Little, Yuan, Ying . 2008. Model-based estimates of the finite population mean for two-stage cluster samples with item nonresponse. Journal of Official Statistics 24(2):193-211.
- Roderick J Little, Zhang, X , Johnson, T D, Cao, Y . 2008. Quantitative magnetic resonance image analysis via the EM algorithm with stochastic variation. Annals of Applied Statistics 2(2):736-755.
- X. Zhang, T. D. Johnson, Roderick J Little, Y. Cao. 2008. Quantitative magnetic resonance image analysis via the EM algorithm with stochastic variation. Annals of Applied Statistics 2(2):736-755.
- Victor Strecher, Jennifer McClure, Gwen Alexander, Bibhas Chakraborty, Vijay Nair, Janine Konkel, Sarah Greene, Mick P Couper, Carlier,Carola, Cheryl Wiese, Roderick J Little, Cynthia Pomerleau, Ovide Pomerleau. 2008. The Role of Engagement in a Tailored Web-Based Smoking Cessation Program: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 10(5):e36.
- Roderick J Little, An, Di . 2007. Multiple Imputation: An Alternative to Top Coding for Statistical Disclosure Control. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 170(4):923-940.
- Roderick J Little, Burns, Joseph W, Consens, Flavia B, Angell, Karen J, Gilman, Sid , Chervin, Ronald D. 2007. EMG Variance During Polysomnography As An Assessment For REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Sleep 30(12):1771-1778.
- Roderick J Little. 2007. Model-assisted estimation of forest resources with generalized additive models: comment.(Survey). Journal of the American Statistical Association 102(478):412-415.
- Roderick J Little. 2007. Comment on "Struggles with survey weighting and regression modeling". Statistical Science 22(2):171-174.
- Roderick J Little, Yuan, Ying . 2007. Model-based estimates of the finite population mean for two-stage cluster samples with unit non-response. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 56(1):79-97.
- Roderick J Little, Yuan, Ying . 2007. Parametric and Semiparametric Model-Based Estimates of the Finite Population Mean for Two-Stage Cluster Samples with Item Nonresponse. Biometrics 63(4):1172-1180.
- Roderick J Little, Bhavani, Suresh K, Christopher, K Bichakjian, Johnson, Timothy M, Peck, Frederick A, Schwartz, Jennifer L, Strecher, Victor J. 2006. Strategy hubs: domain portals to help find comprehensive information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57(1):4-24.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Cain, K , Crawford, S , Dennerstein, L , Mitchell, E S, Nan, B , Randolph, John F, Taffe, J , Yosef, M . 2006. Evaluation of four proposed bleeding criteria for the onset of late menopausal transition. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(9):3432-3438.
- Roderick J Little. 2006. Calibrated Bayes: a Bayes/frequentist roadmap. American Statistician 60(3):213-223.
- Roderick J Little. 2006. Selection and pattern-mixture models. Advances in longitudinal data analysis
- Roderick J Little, Vartivarian, Sonya . 2006. Does weighting for nonresponse increase the variance of survey means?. Quality control and applied statistics 51(6):623-626.
- Roderick J Little, Zheng, Hui . 2006. The Bayesian approach to the analysis of finite population surveys. Bayesian statistics 8 :1-20.
- Roderick J Little, Raffel, D M, Koeppe, Robert A, Wang, C N, Liu, S , Junck, Larry , Heumann, Mary L, Gilman, Sid . 2006. PET measurement of cardiac and nigrostriatal denervation in Parkinsonian syndromes. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine 47(11):1769-1777.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Randolph, John F, Crawford, S , Dennerstein, L , Cain, K , Mitchell, E S, Nan, B , Taffe, J , Yosef, M . 2006. The value of follicle-stimulating hormone concentration and clinical findings as markers of the late menopausal transition. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(8):3034-3040.
- Roderick J Little, Sowers, Maryfran R, Jannausch, Mary , Mcconnell, Daniel , Greendale, Gail A, Finkelstein, Joel S, Neer, Robert M, Johnston, Janet , Ettinger, Bruce . 2006. Hormone Predictors of Bone Mineral Density Changes during the Menopausal Transition. The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism 91(4):1261-1267.
- Roderick J Little, An, Hyonggin . 2005. Comment - Semiparametric Estimation of Treatment Effect in a Pretest -- Posttest Study with Missing Data. Statistical science 20(3):282.
- Roderick J Little, Consens, F B, Chervin, R D, Koeppe, Robert A, Liu, S , Junck, Larry , Angell, K , Heumann, Mary L, Gilman, Sid . 2005. Validation of a polysomnographic score for REM sleep behavior disorder. Sleep 28(5):993-997.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little. 2005. A Bayesian approach to 2000 Census evaluation using ACE survey data and demographic analysis. (Annual Capital Expenditures ) 100(470):380(9).
- Roderick J Little, Giordani, Bruno J., Gilman, Sid , Koeppe, Robert A, An, Hyonggin , Junck, Larry , Persad, Carol , Heumann, Mary L, Wernette, Kris . 2005. Differentiation of Alzheimer's disease from dementia with Lewy bodies utilizing positron emission tomography with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose and neuropsychological testing. Experimental neurology 191 Suppl 1:S95-S103.
- Roderick J Little, Gitlin, Scott D, Yuan, Zheng , Todd III, Robert F. 2005. Factors that Influence Successful Training and Faculty Career Development in Hematology/Oncology Patient-Oriented Clinical Research. Journal of Cancer Education 20(2):72-78.
- Roderick J Little, Koeppe, Robert A, Gilman, Sid , Joshi, A , Liu, S , Junck, Larry , Heumann, Mary L, Frey, Kirk A, Albin, R L. 2005. 11C-DTBZ and 18F-FDG PET measures in differentiating dementias. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine 46(6):936-944.
- Roderick J Little. 2005. Comment on 'Local model uncertainty and incomplete-data bias'. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 67(4):496-497.
- Roderick J Little. 2005. Dropouts in longitudinal studies: Methods of Analysis. Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science 1
- Roderick J Little. 2005. Missing Data. Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science 3
- Roderick J Little, Vartivarian, Sonya . 2005. Does weighting for nonresponse increase the variance of survey means?. Survey Methodology 31(2):161-168.
- Roderick J Little, Sowers, MaryFran R, Jannausch, Mary , Randolph, John F, McConnell, Daniel , Lasley, Bill , Pasternak, Richard , Sutton-Tyrrell, Kim , Matthews, Karen A. 2005. Androgens Are Associated with Hemostatic and Inflammatory Factors among Women at the Mid-Life. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 90(11):6064-6071.
- Roderick J Little, Sowers, MaryFran R, Matthews, K A, Jannausch, M , Randolph, John F, McConnell, D , Sutton-Tyrrell, K , Lasley, B , Pasternak, R . 2005. Hemostatic factors and estrogen during the menopausal transition. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 90(11):5942-5948.
- Roderick J Little, Zheng, Hui . 2005. Inference for the Population Total from Probability-Proportional-to-Size Samples Based on Predictions from a Penalized Spline Nonparametric Model. Journal of official statistics 21(1):1-20.
- Hyonggin An, Roderick J Little. 2005. Comment â Semiparametric Estimation of Treatment Effect in a Pretest â Posttest Study with Missing Data. Statistical science 20(3):282.
- Roderick J Little. 2005. Comment on âLocal model uncertainty and incomplete-data biasâ. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 67(4):496-497.
- Sid Gilman, Robert A. Koeppe, Roderick J Little, Hyonggin An, Larry Junck, Bruno Giordani, Carol Persad, Mary L. Heumann, Kris Wernette. 2005. Differentiation of Alzheimerâs disease from dementia with Lewy bodies utilizing positron emission tomography with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose and neuropsychological testing. Experimental neurology 191 Suppl 1:S95-S103.
- Roderick J Little, Giordani, Bruno J., Gilman, Sid , Koeppe, Robert A, An, Hyonggin , Junck, Larry , Persad, Carol , Heumann, Mary L, Wernette, Kris . 2004. Striatal monoamine terminals in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Annals of Neurology 55(6):774-780.
- Roderick J Little. 2004. To model or not to model? Competing modes of inference for finite population sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association 99(466):546(11).
- Roderick J Little, An, Hyonggin . 2004. Robust likelihood-based analysis of multivariate data with missing values. Statistica Sinica 14(3):949-968.
- Roderick J Little, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Liu, F . 2004. Statistical disclosure techniques based on multiple imputation. Applied Bayesian modeling and causal inference from incomplete perspectives :141-152.
- Roderick J Little, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Peng, Y H. 2004. An Extended General Location Model for Causal Inferences From Data Subject to Noncompliance and Missing Values. Biometrics 60(3):598-607.
- Roderick J Little, Harlow, Sioban D., Randolph, John F, Sowers, MaryFran R, Bondarenko, Irina V, Luborsky, Judith L. 2004. Change in Estradiol and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone across the Early Menopausal Transition: Effects of Ethnicity and Age. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 89(4):1555-1561.
- Roderick J Little, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Tang, G . 2004. Analysis of multivariate monotone missing data by a pseudo-likelihood method. Lecture notes in statistics
- Roderick J Little, Zheng, Hui . 2004. Penalized spline nonparametric mixed models for inference about a finite population mean for two-stage samples. Survey Methodology 60:598-608.
- Sid Gilman, Robert A. Koeppe, Roderick J Little, Hyonggin An, Larry Junck, Bruno Giordani, Carol Persad, Mary L. Heumann, Kris Wernette. 2004. Striatal monoamine terminals in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimerâs disease. Annals of Neurology 55(6):774-780.
- Roderick J Little, Gilman, Sid , Chervin, R D, Koeppe, Robert A, Consens, F B, An, Hyonggin , Junck, Larry , Heumann, Mary L. 2003. Obstructive sleep apnea is related to a thalamic cholinergic deficit in MSA. Neurology 61(1):35-39.
- Roderick J Little, Gilman, Sid , Koeppe, Robert A, Chervin, R D, Consens, F B, An, Hyonggin , Junck, Larry , Heumann, Mary L. 2003. REM sleep behavior disorder is related to striatal monoaminergic deficit in MSA. Neurology 61(1):29-34.
- Roderick J Little. 2003. The Bayesian approach to sample survey inference. Analysis of survey data :49-57.
- Roderick J Little. 2003. Bayesian methods for unit and item nonresponse. Analysis of survey data :289-306.
- Roderick J Little, Vartivarian, Sonya . 2003. On weighting the rates in non-response weights. Statistics in medicine 22(9):1589-1599.
- Roderick J Little, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Tang, G . 2003. Analysis of Multivariate Missing Data With Nonignorable Nonresponse. Biometrika 90(4):747-764.
- Roderick J Little, Zheng, Hui . 2003. Penalized Spline Model-Based Estimation of the Finite Populations Total from Probability-Proportional-to-Size Samples. Journal of official statistics 19(2):99-107.
- Roderick J Little, Giordani, Bruno J., Berent, S , Gilman, Sid , Trask, C L, Johanns, Jewel R, Junck, Larry , Kluin, Karen J, Heumann, Mary L, Koeppe, Robert A. 2002. Patterns of neuropsychological performance in multiple system atrophy compared to sporadic and hereditary olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Brain and Cognition 50(2):194-206.
- Roderick J Little, Groves, Robert M., Dillman, Don A, Eltinge, John L. 2002. Survey Nonresponse in Design, Data Collection, and Analysis. Survey Nonresponse Pp. 3-26
- Roderick J Little, Groves, Robert M., Dillman, Don A, Eltinge, John L. 2002. Survey Nonresponse.
- Steven G Heeringa, Roderick J Little, Trivellore E Raghunathan. 2002. Multivariate imputation of coarsened survey data on household wealth. Survey Nonresponse
- Roderick J Little. 2002. Responsible research a systems approach to protecting research participants.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 2002. Statistical analysis with missing data. Wiley series in probability and statistics 2nd
- Roderick J Little, Chen, Hua Yun. 2001. A Profile Conditional Likelihood Approach for the Semiparametric Transformation Regression Model with Missing Covariates. (Author abstract) 7(3):207.
- Roderick J Little, Kluin, Karen J, Gilman, Sid , Foster, Norman L, Sima, Anders A. F., D'Amato, Constance J, Bruch, Leslie A, Bluemlein, Laurie , Johanns, Jewel R. 2001. Neuropathological Correlates of Dysarthria in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Archives of Neurology 58(2):265-269.
- Roderick J Little. 2001. Statistical Analysis of repeated-measures data with drop-outs. Clinical trials in neurology :145-156.
- Roderick J Little. 2001. Preserving public trust : accreditation and human research participant protection programs.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 2001. Missing Data. International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences 1st
- Michael R Elliott, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Roderick J Little, Waller, Patricia F, Shope, Jean Thatcher. 2001. Changes in young adult offense and crash patterns over time. Accident Analysis and Prevention 33(1):117-128.
- Roderick J Little, Yau, Linda H. Y.. 2001. Inference for the complier-average causal effect from longitudinal data subject to noncompliance and missing data, with application to a job training assessment for the unemployed.(Statistical Data Included). (Statistical Data Included) 96(456):1232(13).
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little. 2000. A Bayesian Approach to Combining Information From a Census, a Coverage Measurement Survey, and Demographic Analysis. (analysis of population statistics methodology)(Statistical Data Included) 95(450):351.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little. 2000. Model-based alternatives to trimming survey weights. Journal of Official Statistics 16(3):191-209.
- Michael R Elliott, Roderick J Little, Lewitzky, Steve . 2000. Subsampling Callbacks To Improve Survey Efficiency.(Statistical Data Included). (Statistical Data Included) 95(451):730.
- Michael R Elliott, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Roderick J Little, Waller, Patricia F, Shope, Jean Thatcher. 2000. Persistence of Violation and Crash Behavior Over Time. Journal of Safety Research 31:229-242
- Roderick J Little, Foster, Norman L, Gombosi, Eszter , Teboe, Cheryl . 2000. Balanced centralized and distributed database design in a clinical research environment. Statistics in medicine 19(11-12):1531-1544.
- Roderick J Little, Foster, Norman L, Minoshima, S , Johanns, Jewel R, Heumann, Mary L, Kuhl, D E, Gilman, Sid . 2000. PET measures of benzodiazepine receptors in progressive supranuclear palsy. Neurology 54(9):1768-1773.
- Roderick J Little, Gilman, Sid , Johanns, Jewel R, Heumann, Mary L, Kluin, Karen J, Junck, Larry , Koeppe, Robert A, An, Hyonggin . 2000. Evolution of sporadic olivopontocerebellar atrophy into multiple system atrophy. Neurology 55(4):527-532.
- Roderick J Little, Giordani, Bruno J., An, Hyonggin , Johanns, Jewel R. 2000. A comparison of subset selection and analysis of covariance for the adjustment of confounders. Psychological methods 5(4):459-476.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 2000. Causal effects in clinical and epidemiological studies via potential outcomes: Concepts and Analytical Approaches. Annual Review of Public Health 21(1):121-145.
- Roderick J Little, Chen, Hua Yun. 1999. Proportional hazards regression with missing covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94(447):896(1).
- Roderick J Little, Chen, Hua Yun. 1999. A Test of Missing Completely at Random for Generalised Estimating Equations with Missing Data. Biometrika 86(1):1-13.
- Roderick J Little, Gilman, Sid , Koeppe, Robert A, Junck, Larry , Kluin, Karen J, Heumann, Mary L, Martorello, Susan , Johanns, Jewel R. 1999. Original Articles - Decreased Striatal Monoaminergic Terminals in Multiple System Atrophy Detected with Positron Emission Tomography. Annals of Neurology 45(6):769.
- Roderick J Little. 1999. Editorial - Methods for handling missing values in clincal trials. Journal of Rheumatology 26:1654-1656.
- Roderick J Little, Trivellore E Raghunathan. 1999. On summary measures analysis of the linear mixed effects model for repeated measures when data are not missing completely at random. Statistics in medicine 18(17-18):2465-2478.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 1999. Comment on 'Adjusting for Non-Ignorable Drop-out Using Semiparametric Models'. (Statistical Data Included) 94(448):1130.
- Roderick J Little, Donald B. Rubin. 1999. Comment on âAdjusting for Non-Ignorable Drop-out Using Semiparametric Modelsâ. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94(448):1130.
- Ann L. Whall, Margaret E. A. Black, Dawn J. Yankou, Carla J. Groh, Barbara J. Kupferschmid, Norman L. Foster, Roderick J Little. 1999. Nurse aidesâ identification of onset and level of agitation in late stage dementia patients. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 14(4):202-206.
- Roderick J Little, Lazzeroni, Laura C. 1998. Random-Effects Models for Smoothing Poststratification Weights. Journal of official statistics 14(1):61.
- Roderick J Little. 1998. Grading the nation's report card : a review of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
- Roderick J Little, Yau, Linda H. Y.. 1998. Statistical techniques for analyzing data from prevention trials: Treatment of no-shows using Rubin's causal model. Psychological methods 3(2):147-159.
- Roderick J Little, Linda H. Y. Yau. 1998. Statistical techniques for analyzing data from prevention trials: Treatment of no-shows using Rubinâs causal model. Psychological methods 3(2):147-159.
- Roderick J Little. 1998. Grading the nationâs report card : a review of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
- Roderick J Little, Lin, Xihong . 1997. Comment - Analysis of Nonrandomly Censored Ordered Categorical Longitudinal Data from Analgesic Trials. Journal of the American Statistical Association 92(440):1245.
- Roderick J Little. 1997. Biostatistical analysis with missing data. Encyclopedia of biostatistics
- Roderick J Little, Steven G Heeringa, James M Lepkowski, Kessler,Ronald C, Lewitzky, Steve . 1997. Assessment of weighting methodology for the Naitonal Comorbidity Survey. American Journal of Epidemiology 145(6):439-449.
- Roderick J Little, Giordani, Bruno J., Murman, Daniel L, Mellow, A M, Johanns, Jewel R, Hariharan, M , Foster, Norman L. 1997. Cognitive, behavioral and motor effects of NMDA antagonist and ketamine in Huntington's Disease. Neurology 49(1):163-161.
- Roderick J Little, Sinsheimer, Janet S, Lake, James A. 1997. Inference for Phylogenies under a Hybrid Parsimony Method: Evolutionary- Symmetric Transversion Parsimony. Biometrics 53(1):23-38.
- Daniel L. Murman, Bruno Giordani, A. M. Mellow, Jewel R. Johanns, Roderick J Little, M. Hariharan, Norman L. Foster. 1997. Cognitive, behavioral and motor effects of NMDA antagonist and ketamine in Huntingtonâs Disease. Neurology 49(1):163-161.
- Roderick J Little, Gilman, Sid , Frey, Kirk A, Koeppe, Robert A, Junck, Larry , VanderBorght, Thierry M, Lohman, Mary E, Martorello, Susan , Lee, Lihsueh C, Jewett, Douglas M, Kilbourn, Michael R. 1996. Decreased Striatal Monoaminergic Terminals in Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy nd Multiple System Atrophy Demonstrated with Positron Emission Tomography. Annals of Neurology 40(6):885.
- Roderick J Little, Gilman, Sid , Sima, Anders A. F., Junck, Larry , Kluin, Karen J, Koeppe, Robert A, Lohman, Mary E. 1996. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 with multiple system degeneration and glial cytoplasmic inclusions. Annals of Neurology 39(2):241-255.
- Roderick J Little. 1996. Statistical analysis of repeated-measures data with missing values. Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis, Accelerating Drug Discovery and Development
- Roderick J Little, Wang, Yongxiao . 1996. Pattern-Mixture Models for Multivariate Incomplete Data with Covariates. Biometrics 52(1):98-111.
- Roderick J Little, Yau, Linda H. Y.. 1996. Intent-to-Treat Analysis for Longitudinal Studies with Drop-Outs. Biometrics 52(4):1324-1333.
- Roderick J Little, Kessler,Ronald C, Nelson, C B, Heath, A C. 1996. Patterns of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence sypmtom progression in a general population survey. Psychological medicine 26:449-460.
- Roderick J Little, Sinsheimer, Janet S, Lake, James A. 1996. Bayesian Hypothesis Testing of Four-Taxon Topologies Using Molecular Sequence Data. Biometrics 52(1):193-210.
- Roderick J Little, Fitten, L Jaime, Perryman, Kent M, Wilkinson, Candace J, Burns, Marcelline M, Pachana, Nancy , Mervis, J Randolph, Malmgren, Roberta , Siembieda, Douglas W, Ganzell, Steven . 1995. Alzheimer and vascular dementias and driving: a prospective road and laboratory study. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 273:p1360(6).
- Roderick J Little, Koopman, James. 1995. Assessing HIV Vaccine Effects. American Journal of Epidemiology 142(10):1113.
- Roderick J Little. 1995. Modeling the Drop-Out Mechanism in Repeated-Measures Studies. Journal of the American Statistical Association 90(431):1112.
- Roderick J Little, Schenker, Nathaniel . 1995. Missing Data. Handbook of statistical modeling for the social and behavioral sciences :39.
- Roderick J Little, Davidson, Michael, Di Carli, Marcelo F, Khanna, Sandeep , Mody, Freny V, Brunken, Richard C, Czernin, Johannes , Rokhsar, Soleyman , Stevenson, Lynne W, Laks, Hillel , Hawkins, Randall , Schelbert, Heinrich R, Phelps, Michael E, Maddahi, Jamshid . 1994. Value of metabolic imaging with positron emission tomography for evaluating prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction. American Journal of Cardiology 73:p527(7).
- Roderick J Little. 1994. A Class of Pattern-Mixture Models for Normal Incomplete Data. Biometrika 81(3):471-483.
- Roderick J Little. 1994. Informative Drop-Out in Longitudinal Data Analysis - Discussion. Applied Statistics 43(1):85.
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 1994. Test Equating from Biased Samples, with Application to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 19(4):309-335.
- Roderick J Little, Dorey, Frederick J, Schenker, Nathaniel . 1993. Multiple imputation for threshold-crossing data with interval censoring. Statistics in medicine 12(17):1589-1603.
- Roderick J Little. 1993. Pattern-mixture models for multivariate incomplete data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 88:p125(10).
- Roderick J Little. 1993. Hierarchical Logistic Regression Models for Imputation of Unresolved Enumeration Status in Undercount Estimation: Comment. Journal of the American Statistical Association 88(423):1159-1161.
- Roderick J Little. 1993. Understanding child abuse and neglect.
- Roderick J Little. 1993. Post-stratification: A modeler's perspective. Journal of the American Statistical Association 88(423):1001.
- Roderick J Little. 1993. Statistical analysis of masked data. Journal of Official Statistics 9(2):407.
- Roderick J Little. 1993. Post-stratification: A modelerâs perspective. Journal of the American Statistical Association 88(423):1001.
- Roderick J Little, Czajka, John L, Hirabayashi, Sharon M, Rubin, Donald B. 1992. Projecting from Advance Data Using Propensity Modeling: An Application to Income and Tax Statistics. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 10(2):117-131.
- Roderick J Little, Gornbein, Jeffrey A, Lazaro, Carlos G. 1992. Incomplete data in repeated measures analysis. Statistical methods in medical research 1(3):275-295.
- Roderick J Little. 1992. Regression with missing X's: a review. Journal of the American Statistical Association 87:p1227(11).
- Roderick J Little. 1992. Incomplete data in event history analysis. Demographic applications of event history analysis :209.
- Roderick J Little. 1992. Regression with missing Xâs: a review. Journal of the American Statistical Association 87:p1227(11).
- Roderick J Little, Heitjan, Daniel F. 1991. Multiple Imputation for the Fatal Accident Reporting System. Applied Statistics 40(1):13-29.
- Roderick J Little. 1991. Inference with survey weights. Journal of Official Statistics 7(4):405.
- Roderick J Little. 1991. Comment on "A source of bias in longitudinal investigations of change"by P. Cohen. Best methods for the analysis of change : recent advances, unanswered questions, future directions 1st:31.
- Roderick J Little, Wu, Mei-Miau . 1991. Models for contingency tables with known margins when target and sampled populations differ. Journal of the American Statistical Association 86:p87(9).
- Roderick J Little. 1990. Missing data in social science data sets. Modern methods of data analysis
- Roderick J Little. 1990. Editing and imputation of multivariate data: Issues and new approaches. Data quality control : theory and pragmatics :145.
- Roderick J Little. 1990. Editing and imputation of multivariate data: Issues and new approaches. Data quality control : theory and pragmatics :145.
- Roderick J Little, Lange, Kenneth L, Taylor, Jeremy M. G.. 1989. Robust statistical modeling using the t distribution. Journal of the American Statistical Association 84:p881(16).
- Roderick J Little. 1989. Testing the equality of two independent binomial proportions. (response to recent article by R.B. D'Agostino, W. Chase, and A. Belanger). (response to recent article by R.B. D'Agostino, W. Chase, and A. Belanger) 43:p283(6).
- Roderick J Little, Dubin, D B. 1989. The Analysis of Social Science Data with Missing Values. Sociological Methods & Research 18(2-3):292-326.
- Roderick J Little, Su, H L. 1989. Item nonresponse in panel surveys. Panel surveys :400.
- Roderick J Little. 1989. Testing the equality of two independent binomial proportions. (response to recent article by R.B. DâAgostino, W. Chase, and A. Belanger). American Statistician 43:p283(6).
- Roderick J Little. 1988. A test of missing completely at random for multivariate data with missing values. Journal of the American Statistical Association 83:p1198(5).
- Roderick J Little. 1988. Robust Estimation of the Mean and Covariance Matrix from Data with Missing Values. Applied Statistics 37(1):23-38.
- Roderick J Little. 1988. Some Statistical Analysis Issues at the World Fertility Survey. American Statistician 42(1):31-36.
- Roderick J Little. 1988. [Missing-Data Adjustments in Large Surveys]: Reply. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 6(3):300-301.
- Roderick J Little. 1988. Analysis of data with missing values: Commentary. Statistics in medicine 7(1-2):347-355.
- Roderick J Little. 1988. Approximately calibrated small sample inference about means from bivariate normal data with missing values. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 7(2):161-178.
- Roderick J Little. 1988. Missing-Data Adjustments in Large Surveys. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 6(3):287-296.
- Roderick J Little. 1988. Analysis of data with missing values: Commentary. Statistics in medicine 7(1-2):347-355.
- Roderick J Little, Lange, Kenneth M, Bahn, Mark . 1987. A Theoretical Study of Some Maximum Likelihood Algorithms for Emission and Transmission Tomography. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 6(2):106-114.
- Roderick J Little. 1987. W.G. Cochran's impact on statistics. American Scientist 75:p212(1).
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 1987. Statistical analysis with missing data. Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics.; Applied probability and statistics
- Roderick J Little, Smith, Philip J. 1987. Editing and imputation for quantitative survey data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 82:p58(11).
- Roderick J Little. 1987. W.G. Cochranâs impact on statistics. American Scientist 75:p212(1).
- von Lilien T, I. B. Salusky, Roderick J Little, J. C. Alliapolous, H. E. Leichter, T. L. Hall, R. N. Fine. 1987. Peritoneal kinetics in children undergoing continuous ambulatory/cycling peritoneal dialysis. 10
- Roderick J Little, David, Martin , Samuhel, Michael E, Triest, Robert K. 1986. Alternative methods for CPS income imputation. (current population survey). (current population survey) 81:p29(13).
- Roderick J Little. 1986. Survey Nonresponse Adjustments for Estimates of Means. International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique 54(2):139-157.
- Roderick J Little. 1985. A Note About Models for Selectivity Bias. Econometrica 53(6):1469-1474.
- Roderick J Little, Schluchter, Mark D. 1985. Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Mixed Continuous and Categorical Data with Missing Values. Biometrika 72(3):497-512.
- Roderick J Little, Hobcraft, J . 1984. Fertility Exposure Analysis: A New Method for Assessing the Contribution of Proximate Determinants to Fertility Differentials. Population Studies 38(1):21-45.
- Roderick J Little, Hansen, Morris H, Madow, William G, Tepping, Benjamin J, Royall, Richard M, Dalenius, Tore , Smith, T M. Fred, Rubin, Donald B. 1983. An evaluation of model-dependent and probability-sampling inferences in sample surveys. (includes comments). (includes comments) 78:p776(32).
- Roderick J Little. 1983. Estimating a finite population mean from unequal probability samples. Journal of the American Statistical Association 78:p596(9).
- Roderick J Little, Rubin, Donald B. 1983. On Jointly Estimating Parameters and Missing Data by Maximizing the Complete-Data Likelihood. American Statistician 37(3):218-220.
- Roderick J Little. 1982. Direct Standardization: A Tool for Teaching Linear Models for Unbalanced Data. American Statistician 36(1):38-43.
- Roderick J Little. 1982. The Statistical Analysis of Low-level Radioactivity in the Presence of Background Counts. Health physics 43(5):693-703.
- Roderick J Little, Dubin, D B. 1982. Incomplete Data. Encyclopedia of statistical sciences :46.
- Roderick J Little. 1982. Models for nonresponse in sample surveys. Journal of the American Statistical Association 77:p237(14).
- Roderick J Little. 1981. Hypothesis tests based on counts of low-level radioactivity from blank and sample sources. Health physics 42:230.
- Roderick J Little, McDonald, John , Kadane, Joseph B, Lee, Ronald D, Long, John F, Wallis, Kenneth F. 1981. Modeling demographic relationships: an analysis of forecast functions for Australian births. (includes comments). (includes comments) 76:p782(20).
- Roderick J Little. 1979. Maximum Likelihood Inference for Multiple Regression with Missing Values: A Simulation Study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 41(1):76-87.
- Roderick J Little, Pullum, Thomas W. 1979. The General Linear Model and Direct Standardization: A Comparison. Sociological Methods & Research 7(4):475-501.
- Roderick J Little. 1978. Consistent Regression Methods for Discriminant Analysis with Incomplete Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 73(362):319-322.
- Roderick J Little. 1977. Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm - Discussion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 39(1):25-26.
- Roderick J Little, Proctor, L R, Fleming, P M. 1977. Results of New Air Caloric Testing Method Among Normal Subjects II. Monophasic Testing. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 84(1-6):178-186.
- Roderick J Little. 1976. Inference and Missing Data - Discussion. Biometrika 63(3):590-592.
- Roderick J Little. 1976. Inference About Means from Incomplete Multivariate Data. Biometrika 63(3):593-604.
- Roderick J Little, Beale, E M. L.. 1975. Missing Values in Multivariate Analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 37(1):129-145.