Professor of Sociology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Research Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research and Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy

Dr. Axinn is professor of survey research, population studies, sociology and public policy at the University of Michigan. Axinn is a social demographer studying community, intergenerational, and social psychological influences on marriage, childbearing, reproductive health, mental health and the natural environment. He is former director of Michigan’s Survey Research Center with an active program of methodological research on longitudinal studies, survey data collection and mixed method studies. He is director of the Chitwan Valley Family Study (CVFS), a 28-year, mixed method longitudinal study in Nepal.
Funded Research
- A More Efficient Web-Based Approach to Collecting National Family, Fertility and Reproductive Health Data
- Family Dynamics, Fertility and Contraception, and Investments in Children across Generations
- Intergenerational disadvantage and pediatric health disparities in acute respiratory illness and diarrhea
- The Transition from Childhood into Adulthood among PSID Children, 2021 and 2023
- Transition to Adulthood within its Life Course & Intergenerational Family Context
- Bruffaerts, Ronny, William G Axinn. 2024. Associations Between Forced Intercourse and Subsequent Depression Among Women in the U.S. General Population. Archives of Sexual Behavior 53:471-480.
- William G Axinn, Banchoff,Emma, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Scott, Kate M.. 2024. Parental depression and their Children’s marriage timing: The long-term consequences of parental mental disorders. Social Science & Medicine 347:116745.
- Ronny Bruffaerts, Kelsi Caywood, William G Axinn. 2024. Early life risk factors for depression among young adults in the United States general population: Attributable risks and gender differences. Journal of affective disorders 363:206-213.
- Banchoff,Emma, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Kate M. Scott. 2024. Intergenerational associations of maternal depression with daughters’ family formation. Journal of Marriage and Family
- Karmel W. Choi, Justin D. Tubbs, Younga H. Lee, Yixuan He, Kristin Tsuo, Mary T. Yohannes, Lethukuthula L. Nkambule, Emily Madsen, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Sabrina Hermosilla, Tian Ge, Alicia R. Martin, William G Axinn, Jordan W. Smoller. 2024. Genetic architecture and socio-environmental risk factors for major depressive disorder in Nepal. Psychological Medicine 54(11):3126-3134.
- William G Axinn, Brady Thomas West, Heather Marie Schroeder, Laura D. Lindberg. 2024. Pandemic changes in U.S. contraceptive use: National survey estimates reveal significant differences by demographic subgroups. Contraception
- Brady Thomas West, Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Rebecca Gatward, Saw, Htay-Wah, Shiyu Zhang. 2024. Toward a New Approach to Creating Population-Representative Data for Demographic Research. Demography 61(6):1759–1791.
- Zhang,Shiyu, Brady Thomas West, James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, Rebecca Gatward, William G Axinn. 2023. Visible Cash, a Second Incentive, and Priority Mail? An Experimental Evaluation of Mailing Strategies for a Screening Questionnaire in a National Push-To-Web/Mail Survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Paula M. Lantz, Katherine Michelmore, Michelle H. Moniz, Okeoma Mmeje, William G Axinn, Kayte Spector-Bagdady. 2023. Abortion Policy in the United States: The New Legal Landscape and Its Threats to Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being. The Milbank Quarterly 101(S1):283-301.
- William G Axinn, ..., Stephanie A Chardoul, WHO World Mental Health Survey collaborators. 2023. Civil Violence Exposure and Subsequent Onset and Persistence of Mental Disorders. JAMA Network Open 6(6):e2318919-e2318919.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Cole,Faith, Sabrina Hermosilla, William G Axinn, Corina Benjet. 2023. Alcohol use and internal migration in Nepal: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 77(9):587-593.
- William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, Scott Crawford. 2023. Applying Responsive Survey Design to Small-Scale Surveys: Campus Surveys of Sexual Misconduct. Sociological Methods & Research 52(4):1916-1946.
- Brady Thomas West, Shiyu Zhang, James Robert Wagner, Rebecca Gatward, Saw Htay Wah, William G Axinn. 2023. Methods for improving participation rates in national self-administered web/mail surveys: Evidence from the United States. PLOS ONE 18(8):e0289695.
- William G Axinn, Brady Thomas West, Heather Marie Schroeder. 2023. Forced intercourse in America: a pandemic update. BMC Public Health 23(1):1-8.
- Ronny Bruffaerts, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Corina Benjet, Stephanie A Chardoul, Kate M. Scott, Ronald C. Kessler, Schulz,Paul Chapin, Jordan W. Smoller. 2023. Community exposure to armed conflict and subsequent onset of alcohol use disorder. Addiction
- Yang Zhang, William G Axinn. 2022. Cohabitation dissolution and psychological distress among young adults: The role of parenthood and gender. Social Science Research 102:102626.
- Melanie S. Askari, Emily Treleaven, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Sabrina Hermosilla. 2022. COVID-19 worries, concerns and mitigation behaviours: A snapshot of Nepal during the first wave. Tropical Medicine & International Health 27(2):165-173.
- William G Axinn, Karmel W. Choi, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Cole,Faith, Hermosilla,Sabrina, Corina Benjet, Melany C. Morgenstern, Younga H. Lee, Jordan W. Smoller. 2022. Community-Level Social Support Infrastructure and Adult Onset of Major Depressive Disorder in a South Asian Postconflict Setting. JAMA Psychiatry 79(3):243-249.
- Brady Thomas West, William G Axinn, Mick P Couper, Heather Gatny, Heather Marie Schroeder. 2022. A Web-based Event History Calendar Approach for Measuring Contraceptive Use Behavior. Field Methods 34(1):3-19.
- Hermosilla,Sabrina, Karmel W. Choi, Askari,Melanie, Taylor Marks, Christy Denckla, William G Axinn, Jordan W. Smoller, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Corina Benjet. 2022. What can we learn about polytrauma typologies by comparing population-representative to trauma-exposed samples: A Nepali example. Journal of Affective Disorders 314:201-210.
- William G Axinn, Banchoff,Emma, Cole,Faith, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Jordan W. Smoller. 2022. The transition to parenthood, opportunity to drink, drinking, and alcohol use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 241:109697.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Banchoff,Emma, Cole,Faith, William G Axinn. 2022. The transition to parenthood, opportunity to drink, drinking, and alcohol use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 241:109697.
- Cole,Faith, Corina Benjet, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2021. Predictors of transitions across stages of alcohol use and disorders in an adult population with heterogeneous ethnic restrictions regarding drinking. Addiction 116(4):809-818.
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul. 2021. Improving reports of health risks: Life history calendars and measurement of potentially traumatic experiences. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 30(1):e1853.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Bhandari,Prem. 2021. Social change, out-migration, and exit from farming in Nepal. Population and Environment 42:302-324.
- William G Axinn, Vale,Mira, Sarah R. Brauner-Otto. 2021. Student reports of attendance at programs to reduce campus sexual assault and harassment. Journal of American College Health
- Zhang, Yang, William G Axinn. 2021. Marital Experiences and Depression in an Arranged Marriage Setting. American Journal of Sociology 126(6):1439-1486.
- William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, Scott Crawford. 2021. Applying Responsive Survey Design to Small-Scale Surveys: Campus Surveys of Sexual Misconduct. Sociological Methods & Research
- Narayan Sastry, William G Axinn, Julie Ann Josefosky de Jong, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Emily Treleaven. 2021. Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges in the Transition to Computer-Based Survey Data Collection: The Role of Key Software System Features. Report to the World Bank
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Heather Gatny, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Smoller, Jordan W, Zhang, Yang , Scott, Kate M. 2020. Using life history calendars to improve measurement of lifetime experience with mental disorders. Psychological Medicine 50(3):515-522. PMCID: PMCID: PMC6739186.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Stephanie A Chardoul, Zhang, Yang , Scott, Kate M, Bruffaerts, Ronny . 2020. The Association between Marital Transitions and the Onset of Major Depressive Disorder in a South Asian General Population. Journal of Affective Disorders 266
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2020. Parents' Marital Quality and Children's Transition to Adulthood. Demography 57(1):195-220. PMCID: PMCID: PMC7056585.
- Sarah R. Brauner-Otto, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2020. Parentsâ Marital Quality and Childrenâs Transition to Adulthood. Demography 57:195-220.
- Corina Benjet, William G Axinn, Hermosilla,Sabrina, Schulz,Paul Chapin, Cole,Faith, Laura Sampson, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2020. Exposure to Armed Conflict in Childhood vs Older Ages and Subsequent Onset of Major Depressive Disorder. JAMA Network Open 3(11):e2019848-e2019848.
- Kate M. Scott, Zhang, Yang, Stephanie A Chardoul, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Jordan W. Smoller, William G Axinn. 2020. Resilience to mental disorders in a low-income, non-Westernized setting. Psychological Medicine 51(16):2825-2834.
- James Robert Wagner, Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, Heather Gatny. 2019. The utility of a follow-up interview for respondents to a longitudinal survey with frequent measurement. Social Science Research 82:113-125.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2019. Mass Education, International Travel, and Ideal Ages at Marriage. Demography 56(6):2083-2108. PMCID: PMC7029419.
- William G Axinn, Brady Thomas West, Bardos, Maura Elaine. 2018. General population estimates of the association between college experience and the odds of forced intercourse. Social science research 70:131-143.
- William G Axinn, Kessler,Ronald C, Pennell, Beth-Ellen, Mortier, Philippe , Auerbach, Randy P, Alonso, Jordi , Cuijpers, Pim , Ebert, David D, Green, Jennifer G, Hwang, Irving , Liu, Howard , Nock, Matthew K, Pinder-Amaker, Stephanie , Sampson, Nancy A, Zaslavsky, Alan M, Abdulmalik, Jibril , Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio , Al-Hamzawi, Ali , Benjet, Corina , Demyttenaere, Koen , Florescu, Silvia , De Girolamo, Giovanni , Gureje, Oye , Haro, Josep Maria, Hu, Chiyi , Huang, Yueqin , De Jonge, Peter , Karam, Elie G, Kiejna, Andrzej , Kovess-Masfety, Viviane , Lee, Sing , Mcgrath, John J, O’neill, Siobhan , Nakov, Vladimir , Piazza, Marina , Posada-Villa, Jos , Rapsey, Charlene , Viana, Maria Carmen, Xavier, Miguel , Bruffaerts, Ronny . 2018. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among college students and same-aged peers: results from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 53(3):279-288.
- Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, James Robert Wagner, Brady Thomas West, Guyer, Heidi Marie, Gremel, Garret . 2018. New options for national population surveys: The implications of internet and smartphone coverage. Social Science Research 73:221-235.
- William G Axinn, Brauner-Otto, Sarah , William G Axinn. 2018. Offspring education and parental mortality: Evidence from South Asia. Social Science Research 76:157-168.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Smith-Greenaway, Emily. 2017. Emotional Variation and Fertility Behavior. Demography 54(2):437-458. PMCID: PMC5426117.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2017. Natural resource collection and desired family size: a longitudinal test of environment-population theories. Population and Environment 38(4):381–406. PMCID: PMC5608093.
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Scott, K M. 2016. Demography of Mental Health. Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) :18-25.
- William G Axinn, Kessler,Ronald C, Haro,Joshua, Auerbach, R P, Alonso, J , Cuijpers, P , Ebert, D D, Green, J G, Hwang, I , Liu, H , Mortier, P , Nock, M K, Pinder-Amaker, S , Sampson, N A, Aguilar-Gaxiola, S , Al-Hamzawi, A , Andrade, L H, Benjet, C , Caldas-de-Almeida, J M, Demyttenaere, K , Florescu, S , de Girolamo, G , Gureje, O , Karam, E G, Kiejna, A , Kovess-Masfety, V , McGrath, J J, O'Neill, S , Pennell, B-E , Scott, K , ten Have, M , Torres, Y , Zaslavsky, A M, Zarkov, Z , Bruffaerts, R . 2016. Mental disorders among college students in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Psychological medicine 46(14):2955-2970.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2016. Ethnicity and Psychiatric Disorders. Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health 4(4):1072. PMCID: PMC5560443.
- William G Axinn. 2015. Demographic Change: The Case of Chitwan Valley in Nepal. International Journal of Sociology 45(1):1-3.
- William G Axinn, Heather Gatny, James Robert Wagner. 2015. Maximizing Data Quality using Mode Switching in Mixed-Device Survey Design: Nonresponse Bias and Models of Demographic Behavior. Methoden, Daten, Analysen 9(2):163-184.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Williams, N E, Scott, K M. 2015. Associations between the social organization of communities and psychiatric disorders in rural Asia. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50(10):1537-145.
- William G Axinn, Jennings, Elyse A. 2015. Response of sensitive behaviors to frequent measurement. Social science research 49:1-15.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Smith-Greenaway, Emily. 2015. Impact of the spread of mass education on married women's experience with domestic violence. Social Science Research 54:319-331. PMCID: PMC4607934.
- Brady Thomas West, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2015. Evaluating a Modular Design Approach to Collecting Survey Data Using Text Messages. Survey Research Methods 9(2):111-123.
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Scott, K M. 2015. Demography of mental health. Encyclopedia of Mental Health :18-25.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Emily Smith-Greenaway. 2015. Impact of the spread of mass education on married womenâs experience with domestic violence. Social science research 54:319-331. PMCID: PMC4607934.
- William G Axinn, Zvoleff, Alex , Liu, Jianguo , William G Axinn. 2014. Agent-Based Modeling in Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Lessons from a Comparative Analysis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104(4):723-745.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Hull, Vanessa , McConnell, William, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Liu, Jianguo . 2014. Coupled human and natural systems approach to wildlife research and conservation. Ecology and Society 19:43.
- Mneimneh, Zeina Nazih, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Cibelli, K , Al-Kaisy, M . 2014. Conducting Surveys in Areas of Armed Conflict. Hard-to-Survey Populations :134-156.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Williams, Nathalie E, Scott, Kate M. 2013. Gender, Traumatic Events, and Mental Health Disorders in a Rural Asian Setting. Journal of health and social behavior 54(4):444-461.
- Heather Gatny, William G Axinn. 2013. New strategies for biosample collection in population-based social research. Social science research 42(5):1402-1409.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2013. Marital processes, arranged marriage, and contraception to limit fertility. Demography 50(5):1663-1686.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Stephanie A Chardoul, Kessler,Ronald C, William G Axinn, Adhikari, B P. 2013. Modifying and validating the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) for use in Nepal.. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 22(1):71-81.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Williams, Natalie . 2012. Collecting Survey Data During Armed Conflict. Journal of Official Statistics 28(2):153-171.
- Heather Gatny, William G Axinn. 2012. Willingness to Participate in Research during Pregnancy. Field Methods 24(2):135-154.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2012. The Effect of Parents' Attitudes on Sons' Marriage Timing. American Sociological Review 77(6):923-945. PMCID: PMC3590910.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2012. Household energy consumption: Community context and the fuelwood transition. Social Science Research 41(3):598. PMCID: PMC3461177.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Xie, Yu. 2012. Histroical Perspectives on Marriage. Family, Ties, and Care :61-83.
- James Robert Wagner, Brady Thomas West, Nicole G Kirgis, James M Lepkowski, William G Axinn, Kruger Ndiaye, Shonda . 2012. Use of Paradata in a Responsive Design Framework to Manage a Field Data Collection. Journal of Official Statistics 28(4):477-499.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Jennings, Elyse A, Pradhan, Meeta S. 2012. A Micro-Level Event-Centered Approach to Investigating Armed Conflict and Population Responses. Demography 49(4):1521-1546. PMCID: PMC3495997.
- Elyse A. Jennings, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2012. The Effect of Parentsâ Attitudes on Sonsâ Marriage Timing. American Sociological Review 77(6):923-945.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2011. Social Organization, Population, and Land Use. American Journal of Sociology 117(1):209-258.
- William G Axinn, Groves, Robert M., Link, Cynthia F. 2011. Responsive survey design, demographic data collection, and models of demographic behavior. Demography 48(3):1127-1149.
- William G Axinn, Linda C Young-Demarco, Roe, Messo Caponi. 2011. Gender double standards in parenting attitudes. Social Science Research 40(2):417-432.
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Biddlecom, Ann E.. 2010. Social organization and the transition from direct to indirect consumption. Social science research 39(3):357-368. PMCID: PMC2877213.
- William G Axinn, Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2010. Parental family experiences, the timing of first sex and contraception. Social Science Research 39(6):875-893.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2010. Community context, land use and first birth. Rural Sociology 75(3):478-513.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2010. Community Services and Out-Migration. International Migration 48(3):1-41. PMCID: PMC3146299.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2010. Environmental change and out-migration: evidence from Nepal. Population and Environment 32(2):109-136. PMCID: PMC3042700.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2010. Environmental change and out-migration: Evidence from Nepal. Population and environment 32:109-136.
- Heather Gatny, William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2009. Using debit cards for incentive payments: Experiences of a weekly survey study. Survey Practice 2
- Heather Gatny, Mick P Couper, William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2009. Using Debit Cards for Incentive Payments: Experiences of a Weekly Survey Study. Survey Practice 2(7)
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Barber, Jennifer S. 2008. The influence of ideational dimensions of social change on family formation in Nepal. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives :251-280.
- William G Axinn, Colter Mitchell, Conley (Emens), Amie . 2008. Ideational influences on family change in the United States. International Family Change: ideational perspectives
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2008. Perspectives on international family change. International Family Change: ideational perspectives
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2008. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2008. The neighborhood history calendar: A data collection method designed for dynamic multilevel modeling. Sociological Methodology 27(1):355-392.
- William G Axinn, Colter Mitchell, Emens, Amie . 2007. Ideational influences on family change in the United States. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Barber, Jennifer S. 2007. The influence of ideational dimensions of social change on family formation in Nepal. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. New directions for research on ideational perspectives. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2007. The Spread of Health Services and Fertility Transition. Demography 44(4):747-770.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. Summary and conclusion. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. Perspectives on international family change. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Xie, Yu. 2007. Marriage and Cohabitation.
- William G Axinn. 2006. Review of Being together, working apart by Barbara Schneider and Linda Waite. American Journal of Sociology 112(2):622-624.
- William G Axinn, Fricke, Tom, Arland Thornton. 2006. The microdemographic community study approach: Improving survey data by integrating the ethnographic method. Mixed Method Data Collection Strategies
- William G Axinn, Pearce, Lisa D. 2006. Mixed Method Data Collection Strategies.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2006. Family change in Nepal: evidence from Western Chitwan.(Report). Contributions to Nepalese Studies 33(2):177-201.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Arland Thornton. 2006. Social change, premarital nonfamily experience, and spouse choice in an arranged marriage society. American Journal of Sociology 111(4):1181-1218.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 2006. Social change, premarital nonfamily experience, and spouse choice in an arranged marriage society. American Journal of Sociology 111(4):1181-1218.
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2005. How do Attitudes Shape Childbearing in the United States. The New Population Problem: Why Families in Developed Countries Are Shrinking and What it Means
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2005. Environmental effects on family size preferences and subsequent reproductive behavior in Nepal. Population and Environment 26:583-621.
- Grant D Benson, William G Axinn, James M Lepkowski, Groves, Robert M., Granda, Peter A., Mosher, W D, Rosenbaum, J , Chandra, A . 2005. Plan and operation of Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth.. Vital and health statistics.Ser.1, Programs and collection procedures. (42):1-86.
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2004. New Ideas and Fertility Limitation: the Role of Mass Media. Journal of Marriage and the Family 66(5):1180-1200.
- Hoelter,Lynette F, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2004. Social Change, Premarital Non-Family Experiences, and Marital Dynamics. Journal of Marriage and the Family 66(3):1131-1151.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn. 2004. The Social Demography of Fertility: Some Contributions of American Surveys. Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond Pp. 281-304
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2003. Linking People and Land Use: A Sociological Perspective. People and the Environment
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2003. Neighborhood Social Change and Perceptions of Environmental Degradation. Population and Environment 25(2):77-108.
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Linda C Young-Demarco, Yang, Li-Shou, Xie, Yu. 2002. Mothers' Reports of Children's Family Formation Behavior. Social Science Research 31(2):257-283.
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 2002. The Influence of Attitudes on Family Formation Processes. Meaning and Choice: Value Orientations and Life Course Decisions
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2002. Gender, Social Change, and Educational Attainment. Economic Development and Cultural Change 51(1):109-134.
- William G Axinn, Murphy, Susan A., Maples, Jerry J. 2002. Two Level Proportional Hazards Models. Biometrics 58(4):754-763.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Freedman, Ronald . 2002. Intergenerational Panel Study of Parents and Children. Looking at Lives: American Longitudinal Studies of the Twentieth Century
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Li-Shou Yang, Linda C Young-Demarco, Yu Xie. 2002. Mothersâ Reports of Childrenâs Family Formation Behavior. Social Science Research 31(2):257-283.
- Pienta,Amy, Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Sundar R. Shrestha. 2002. The Health and Well-Being of Elderly in Nepal. 42
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2001. Mass Education and Fertility Transition. American Sociological Review 66(4):481-505.
- William G Axinn, Heather Gatny. 2001. The Stycos legacy: multimethod approaches to social demography. Population and Development Program Working Papers 2001.03
- William G Axinn, Yabiku, Scott T. 2001. Social Change, the Social Organization of Families, and Fertility Limitation. American Journal of Sociology 106(5):1219-1261.
- Pienta,Amy, Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2001. Social Change and Adult Children's Attitudes towards Support of Elderly Parents: Evidence from Nepal. Hallym International Journal of Aging 3(2):211-235.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Fricke, Tom, Alwin, Duane. 2001. Values and Beliefs in the Lives of Children and Families. The Well-Being of Children and Families: Research and Data Needs Pp. 215-243
- Pienta,Amy, Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2001. Social Change and Adult Childrenâs Attitudes towards Support of Elderly Parents: Evidence from Nepal. Hallym International Journal of Aging 3(2):211-235.
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 2000. The Transformation in the Meaning of Marriage. Ties That Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation Pp. 147-165
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Murphy, Susan A., Maples, Jerry J. 2000. Discrete-Time Multilevel Hazard Analysis. Sociological Methodology 30:201-235.
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Arland Thornton. 1999. Values and beliefs as determinants of outcomes in children's lives. Transitions to adulthood in a changing economy : no work, no family, no future?
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 1999. Innovations in Life History Calendar Applications. Social Science Research 28(3):243-264.
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1999. Unwanted Childbearing, Health and Mother-Child Relationships. Journal of health & social behavior 40(3):231-257.
- William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Bhandari, Prem B., Chhetri, Netra . 1999. The impact of community context on land use in an agricultural society. Population and Environment 20 (3): 191-213
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Yabiku, Scott T. 1999. Family Integration and Children's Self-Esteem. American Journal of Sociology 104 (5): 1494-1524
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Arland Thornton. 1999. Values and beliefs as determinants of outcomes in childrenâs lives. Transitions to adulthood in a changing economy : no work, no family, no future?
- Scott T. Yabiku, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1999. Family Integration and Childrenâs Self-Esteem. American Journal of Sociology 104(5):1494-1524.
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Arland Thornton. 1998. The Long-Term Impact of Parents' Childbearing Decisions on Children's Self -Esteem. Demography 35 (4): 435-443
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 1998. The Impact of Parental Pressure for Grandchildren on Young People's Entry into Cohabitation and Marriage. Population Studies 52 (2): 129-144
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 1998. Gender Role Attitudes and Marriage Among Young Women. Sociological Quarterly 39 (1): 11-31
- William G Axinn, Pearce, Lisa D. 1998. The impact of family religious life on the quality of mother-child relations. American Sociological Review 63 (6): 810-828
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Arland Thornton. 1998. The Long-Term Impact of Parentsâ Childbearing Decisions on Childrenâs Self -Esteem. Demography 35(4):435-443.
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 1998. The Impact of Parental Pressure for Grandchildren on Young Peopleâs Entry into Cohabitation and Marriage. Population Studies 52(2):129-144.
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 1997. Living Arrangements and Family Formation Attitudes in Early Adulthood. Journal of Marriage and the Family 59(3):595-611.
- William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 1997. The neighborhood history calendar: : A data collection method designed for dynamic multilevel modeling. Sociological Methodology 27: 355-392
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Duncan, Greg J. 1997. The effects of parental income, wealth and attitudes on children's completed schooling and self-esteem. Consequences of growing up poor
- Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Shivakoti, Ganesh P, Gajurel, Kishor . 1997. Sampling strategies for rural settings: A detailed example from the Chitwan Valley Family Study, Nepal. Nepal Population Journal 6(5):193-203.
- William G Axinn, Greg J. Duncan, Arland Thornton. 1997. The effects of parental income, wealth and attitudes on childrenâs completed schooling and self-esteem. Consequences of growing up poor
- William G Axinn, Fricke, Tom. 1996. Community Context, Women's Natal Kin Ties, and Demand for Children: Macro-Micro Linkages in Social Demography. Rural Sociology 61 (2): 249-271
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1996. The influence of parents' marital dissolutions on children's attitudes toward family formation. Demography 33 (1): 66-81
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1996. The influence of parentsâ marital dissolutions on childrenâs attitudes toward family formation. Demography 33(1):66-81.
- William G Axinn, Thomas E. Fricke. 1996. Community Context, Womenâs Natal Kin Ties, and Demand for Children: Macro-Micro Linkages in Social Demography. Rural Sociology 61(2):249-271.
- William G Axinn. 1995. Review of Leaving home before marriage: Ethnicity, familism and generational relations by Frances K. Goldscheider and Calvin Goldscheider. American Journal of Sociology 100(5):1358-1360.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Teachman, Jay. 1995. The Influence of School Enrollment and Accumulation on Cohabitation and Marriage in Early Adulthood. American Sociological Review 60 (5): 762-74
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Orbuch, Terri L. 1995. Parent-Child Relationships During the Transition to Adulthood. Journal of Family Issues 16 (5): 538-64
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Clarkberg, Marin E. 1994. Family Influences on Family Size Preferences. Demography 31 (1): 65-79
- William G Axinn. 1993. The effects of childrens schooling on fertility limitation. Population Studies 47 (3): 481-493
- William G Axinn. 1993. The effects of children's schooling on fertility limitation. Population Studies 47(3):481-493.
- Frey,William H, Thomas E. Fricke, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1993. Marriage, Social Inequality, and Womenâs Contact with Their Natal Families in Alliance Societies: Two Tamang Examples. American Anthropologist 95(2):395-419.
- William G Axinn. 1992. Family organization and fertility limitation in Nepal. Demography 29 (4): 503-521
- William G Axinn. 1992. Rural income, generating programs and fertility limitation: evidence from a microdemographics study in Nepal. Rural Sociology 57 (3): 396-413
- William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1992. The Relationship between Cohabitation and Divorce: Selectivity or Causal Influence?. Demography 29 (3): 357-74
- William G Axinn. 1991. The influence of interviewer sex on responses to sensitive questions in Nepal. Social Science Research
- Thomas E. Fricke, Dilli R. Dahal, Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Krishna P. Rimal. 1991. Tamang family research project: Summary report on ethnographic and survey research conducted March 1987-January 1988.
- William G Axinn. 1989. Interviewers and data quality in a less developed setting. Journal of Official Statistics 5(3):265-280.
- Arland Thornton, William G Axinn. 1989. Changing patterns of marital formation and dissolution in the United States: Demographic implications. International Unioin for the Scientific Study of Population Proceedings 3:149-161.