Director of Survey Research Operations
Stephanie Chardoul is the Director of Survey Research Operations (SRO) at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center. Ms. Chardoul has 30 years of experience in all phases of survey research. During her tenure at SRC, she has been the Manager of the Survey Services Laboratory (telephone facility), Senior Survey Director, Director of the Project Design and Management Group (project managers and directors), and Director of Proposals (new project intake and design). Her substantive interests include cross-cultural survey methods, building survey research infrastructure, and mental health. Stephanie has been a member of the Data Collection Coordinating Centre for the long-running World Mental Health Survey Initiative (30+ countries, since 1999), and is the Director of the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) Training Centre. As SRO Director, Stephanie leads a department of 170 full-time staff and up to 1000 interviewers across the U.S., conducting data collection across all modes and technologies.
Funded Research
- Every Dollar Counts Program Evaluation Endline Surveys – OpenResearch Funding
- Every Dollar Counts Semi-Structured Interviews
- Household Income and Child Development in the First 3 years of Life – Valhalla Charitable Foundation Funding
- Household Income and Child Development in the First 3 years of Life Continuation – Valhalla Charitable Foundation Funding
- Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life
- How Community College Students Choose Programs of Study
- Chrianna Bharat, ..., Stephanie A Chardoul, et al.. 2023. Development and evaluation of a risk algorithm predicting alcohol dependence after early onset of regular alcohol use. Addiction (118):5.
- William G Axinn, ..., Stephanie A Chardoul, WHO World Mental Health Survey collaborators. 2023. Civil Violence Exposure and Subsequent Onset and Persistence of Mental Disorders. JAMA Network Open 6(6):e2318919-e2318919.
- Ronny Bruffaerts, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Corina Benjet, Stephanie A Chardoul, Kate M. Scott, Ronald C. Kessler, Schulz,Paul Chapin, Jordan W. Smoller. 2023. Community exposure to armed conflict and subsequent onset of alcohol use disorder. Addiction
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul. 2021. Improving reports of health risks: Life history calendars and measurement of potentially traumatic experiences. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 30(1):e1853.
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Heather Gatny, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Smoller, Jordan W, Zhang, Yang , Scott, Kate M. 2020. Using life history calendars to improve measurement of lifetime experience with mental disorders. Psychological Medicine 50(3):515-522. PMCID: PMCID: PMC6739186.
- William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Stephanie A Chardoul, Zhang, Yang , Scott, Kate M, Bruffaerts, Ronny . 2020. The Association between Marital Transitions and the Onset of Major Depressive Disorder in a South Asian General Population. Journal of Affective Disorders 266
- Kate M. Scott, Zhang, Yang, Stephanie A Chardoul, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Jordan W. Smoller, William G Axinn. 2020. Resilience to mental disorders in a low-income, non-Westernized setting. Psychological Medicine 51(16):2825-2834.
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Scott, K M. 2016. Demography of Mental Health. Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) :18-25.
- William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Scott, K M. 2015. Demography of mental health. Encyclopedia of Mental Health :18-25.
- Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Stephanie A Chardoul, Kessler,Ronald C, William G Axinn, Adhikari, B P. 2013. Modifying and validating the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) for use in Nepal.. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 22(1):71-81.
- Mneimneh, Zeina Nazih, Stephanie A Chardoul, Karl A Dinkelmann, Pennell, Beth-Ellen, Gebler, Nancy J., Bowers, Ashley , Wells, J E, Viana, M C, Flourscu, S , He, Y , Huang, Y , Tomov, T , Vilagut, G . 2008. Implementation of the World Mental Health Surveys. The WHO World Mental Health Surveys : global perspectives on the epidemiology of mental disorders
- Karl A Dinkelmann, Gina-Qian Yang Cheung, Stephanie A Chardoul, Gebler, Nancy J., Pennell, Beth-Ellen, Carr, Deborah S., Pennell, Steven G., Hansen, Sue Ellen, Bowers, Ashley , Torres, Myriam . 2004. The development and implementation of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, the National Survey of American Life, and the National Latino and Asian American Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 13(4):241.