Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Stephanie A Chardoul

Director of Survey Research Operations

Photo of Chardoul,Stephanie A


Stephanie Chardoul is the Director of Survey Research Operations (SRO) at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center. Ms. Chardoul has 30 years of experience in all phases of survey research. During her tenure at SRC, she has been the Manager of the Survey Services Laboratory (telephone facility), Senior Survey Director, Director of the Project Design and Management Group (project managers and directors), and Director of Proposals (new project intake and design). Her substantive interests include cross-cultural survey methods, building survey research infrastructure, and mental health. Stephanie has been a member of the Data Collection Coordinating Centre for the long-running World Mental Health Survey Initiative (30+ countries, since 1999), and is the Director of the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) Training Centre. As SRO Director, Stephanie leads a department of 170 full-time staff and up to 1000 interviewers across the U.S., conducting data collection across all modes and technologies.

Funded Research
