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Funded Research

Every Dollar Counts Program Evaluation Endline Surveys – OpenResearch Funding

OpenResearch Lab (Open) and the principal investigators are conducting an evaluation of Every Dollar Counts, a cash assistance gift program being administered by two non-profit organizations: CitySquare, based in Dallas, Texas, and Heartland Alliance, located in Chicago, Illinois (the Community Partners). The purpose of this study is to explore how the program affects multiple dimensions of recipients’ lives. Key outcomes of interest include health, subjective and material well-being, time use, financial health, labor market participation, social and civic engagement, and effects on children. SRO concluded the Baseline interviews in 2020 and is currently in the final stage of the Midline interviewing project. The EDC Endline will reach out to 2,990 Baseline respondents by telephone over a five-month period in 2023 to request their participation in the Endline interview.


Open Research Lab, Inc.

Funding Period:

09/01/2022 to 12/31/2023