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Daniel P Keating

Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School and Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Photo of Keating,Daniel P


Keating’s research focuses on integrating knowledge about developmental processes, population patterns in developmental health, and social factors affecting individual and population development.

The first program of research (funding from NICHD, Keating is PI) focuses on adolescent cognitive and brain development, including neurocognitive and neuroimaging methods, aimed at understanding the neurodevelopmental pathways in adolescent and early adult health risk behavior. We collected self-report and neurocognitive task data on a cohort of 15-17 year-olds (N=2017), and have completed two subsequent waves of data collection with them. A targeted subsample of this group (N=108, including high and average risk-takers) is also participating in a longitudinal neuroimaging study (fMRI, DTI, rsMRI, and EEG/ERP), with the first wave completed and the second wave underway.

The second program of research focuses on the impacts early life adversity and exposures, from prenatal through infancy, encompassing both psychosocial stressors and physical exposures. This is part of the national ECHO study (Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes, funding from NIEHS), in which a Michigan consortium is a research site, and includes 2 cohorts for which data collection continues. Keating’s role as a Co-Investigator is to focus on neurodevelopmental outcomes of early adversity and exposures, and the mechanisms through which they “get under the skin”, including epigenetic pathways.

Funded Research
