Collaborators at the University of Michigan will lead or contribute to ECHO Cohort science in this renewal of the ECHO study which has been active for nearly seven years. Dr. Michael Elliott will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) at the University of Michigan and lead the ECHO statistical team. He has worked with the research team including PIs Kever and Paneth as part of both the National Childrens Study (NCS) and the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) since 2006, serving as site PI for the latter since its inception in 2015. Dr. Elliott will work with Drs. Kerver and Paneth to develop sampling designs for the continuation of ECHO II recruitment (both pre- and post-conceptional), assess data collection quality including non-response, and assist with statistical design and analysis issues as they arise. Dr. Daniel Keating will lead the neurodevelopment assessment team that will conduct both in-home visits and telephone surveys for the proposed application. He will design questionnaires and lead research in developmental issues for ECHO, and lead in drafting manuscripts and presentations from the resulting analyses. Dr. Kimberly McKee, a perinatal epidemiologist, will continue to co-lead ECHO-wide analyses of the microbiome and child health outcomes. She currently serves on the ECHO Publications Committee as well as contribute scientifically to new ECHO-wide analyses examining the structural and biosocial effects of neighborhoods on child neurodevelopment and integrating microbiota measures into diet and chemical exposure analyses on child health outcomes. Dr. Miatta Buxton is an epidemiologist who is interested in investigating the impacts of environmental factors on maternal and child health. She will lead efforts to generate air pollution data for the ECHO I MARCH cohort for a project evaluating placental inflammation using mRNA sequence data. In addition, she will co-lead efforts to generate the Dietary Inflammation Index, a measure of the inflammatory potential of the diet, using ECHO-wide data. Dr. Jaclyn Goodrich will contribute expertise in epigenomics, environmental epidemiology, and toxicology of chemical exposures proposed for study in Aim 2. She will continue to lead ECHO-wide analyses of epigenomic data, assessing whether epigenetic changes mediate associations of prenatal exposures with child health outcomes.
Michigan State University (MSU)
Funding Period:
09/01/2023 to 05/31/2025