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Funded Research

Collaborative Research: RUI: Stepping out of flatland: Complex networks, topological data analysis, and the progress of science

We apply new mathematical tools drawn from topological data analysis (TDA) to important, open questions in an exemplary HNDS field, the Science of Science (SciSci), to: (a) use techniques that have been effectively applied in computational biology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence to address fundamental HNDS questions; (b) create and validate software that supports the application of these methods in HNDS; and (c) develop deeper connections between the TDA and HNDS research communities. Accomplishing these three goals will result in novel understanding of human behavior and social organization as they pertain to essential questions for science, technology, economic prosperity, and public policy.


National Science Foundation

Funding Period:

09/01/2023 to 08/31/2026