The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) is a longitudinal study since 1968 of a representative sample of U.S. individuals and the family units in which they reside. The study?s long-term span, innovative genealogical design, and comprehensive content have been critical to the fundamental understanding of a wide variety of key social science issues, including those involving life course effects. With data collected over the past 43 years on the same families and their descendants, the PSID has become a critical part of the social science research infrastructure.
This additional funding will support the inclusion of the low income sample units in the core study, as well as the ongoing effort to conduct, process, document, and distribute the 2011 survey data. The agreement will enable ASPE to provide partial support for the continued collection of longitudinal data relevant to research on economic factors and income support mechanisms affecting health and well-being of the poor and the elderly. The agreement includes short-term analyses of PSID data as agreed upon by ISR (Robert Schoeni) and ASPE (Don Oellerich), including data analyses as requested to support the production of the Department?s annual report on Indicators of Welfare Dependence.
National Science Foundation
Funding Period:
09/21/2011 to 02/29/2012