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Funded Research

Genotyping the Child Development Supplement to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID-CDS)

In this proposal, we argue that existing surveys that include genotypic markers are
all limited on at least one of the following dimensions: national representativeness
(versus targeted sample), genotyping platform (candidate genes v. genome-wide
measures), data structure (i.e. individuals v. pedigrees), or measured phenotypes
(lack of rich longitudinal socioeconomic and developmental measures). Given
this, we argue that to fully understand the interplay of genetics and environment
over the life course, the scientific research community needs a nationally
representative household panel study that includes genome-wide marker data. The
most efficient means to this end is to genotype respondents of the existing Panel
Study of Income Dynamics (saliva samples have been and continue to be collected
from PSID-CDS sample members). The present application seeks funding for the
DNA chip-based analysis of these samples.


Sage, Russell, Foundation

Funding Period:

12/01/2016 to 08/30/2018