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Funded Research

Global Girls Research Initiative

This is a collaborative proposal with Overseas Development Institute (ODI) United Kingdom to support ODI?s response to the Department for International Development (DFID) call for implementation of DFID?s Global Girls Research Initiative (GGRI). The Survey Research Center (SRC) portion of the collaboration will focus on the longitudinal quantitative survey design and implementation portion of ODI?s plan to implement this initiative. The GGRI will involve design and implementation of 9-year long longitudinal studies of 3000 or more adolescent girls in four or more countries worldwide. These studies will include multilevel mixed method designs for new program evaluation integrating tools like Random Control Trials with longitudinal survey measurement for quantitative estimation of program effectiveness. Success will depend upon creating robust designs that remain comparable across varied sites, application of SRC technical systems to data collection quality control and harmonization, and in country capacity building with partner organizations in selected countries to promote long term sustainability.


Overseas Development Institute

Funding Period:

11/01/2015 to 12/31/2015