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Funded Research

Humility and Forgiveness: The Role of Social Relations among Three Ethnic Groups

Humility can inform individuals understanding of their own lives, how they interpret the actions of others, and their willingness to work for a better society. This project will study how social relations, especially with close friends and family, contribute to the development of humility and how it in turn affects aspects of everyday life, such as forgiveness. We propose an innovative multi-method approach to survey racially and ethnically diverse adults from the Detroit metropolitan area. The method includes an experimental component that will test hypothesized pathways through which individuals acquire the virtues of humility and forgiveness. Expected outputs include a data archive, scientific presentations and publications, as well as op-ed pieces to news outlets. Anticipated outcomes include creating a new
focus within social relations research that links to character development and well-being across the life span. One of our goals is to create a focus on the virtues of humility and forgiveness in media discourse. We also hope to stimulate policy and program initiatives that enhance character development through social relations. Finally, we envision this work being expanded internationally in an effort to foster humility, forgiveness and peace world-wide.


Templeton, John, Foundation

Funding Period:

03/05/2015 to 03/03/2018