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Funded Research

Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD) Yrs 6-10

The Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimers Disease (MCCFAD) aims to foster and enhance innovative research in Alzheimers disease and related dementias (ADRD) with the long term goals to 1) advance ADRD-relevant social and behavioral science research in underserved and underrepresented communities while; 2) diversifying the research workforce dedicated to healthy aging. This Center builds on a longstanding commitment to advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA), as well as deep existing infrastructure and research strengths in ADRD and aging research at the University of Michigan (UM). The Center focuses on the contexts in which ADRD is experienced. Knowledge concerning the contexts of ADRD is quite limited but has been shown to be critical for elucidating sociocultural, economic and behavioral contributors to and consequences of health disparities generally and ADRD disparities specifically. The MCCFAD emphasizes ADRD research in three priority areas: epidemiology, health economics, and culturally sensitive care. The rationale for these three areas is directly related to the continued lack of a comprehensive understanding of the contextual complexities inherent in ADRD disparities, the need to enhance diversity in the professional research workforce addressing the brain and cognitive health of older adults, as well as dynamic changes in the demographic and multi-cultural composition of the U.S. population. The MCCFAD promotes diversifying the research workforce dedicated to healthy aging through collaborations with other NIA-sponsored Centers and programs via connections with R1, R2 and doctoral/professional universities in Michigan, and by administering inclusive and accessible educational programs for diverse scholars. The Centers four Cores are: Leadership and Administrative (LAC), Research and Education (REC), Analytic (AnC), and Community Liaison and Recruitment (CLRC). Specific aims are to: (1) Advance ADRD-relevant disparities research in epidemiology, health economics, and culturally-sensitive care; (2) Recruit and mentor 15 AD-RCMAR Scientists (RS) from the pilot-study investigator stage through professional publications and independent research applications and funding; (3) Connect with Middle Eastern North African (MENA) and Latino communities to broaden understanding of intra- and inter-cultural factors affecting participation in ADRD research. The Center profits from the groundbreaking, successful work of their extensive network of experienced mentors and experts. These resources, along with planned structure and activities will ensure that the MCCFAD will continue to have a significant impact in diversifying the research workforce dedicated to healthy aging while enhancing research to better understand AD and related forms of dementia across various contexts.


Health and Human Services, Department of-National Institutes of Health

Funding Period:

08/15/2023 to 06/30/2028