The University of Michigan team includes Dr. Kira Birditt who has collaborated extensively with the principal investigator (Dr. Karen Fingerman), particularly with regard to quantitative analyses, qualitative coding, multilevel models, and mediation models. Dr. Birditt will provide hands-on assistance with regard to questionnaire development, syntax, preparation of coding schemes, execution of analyses, and interpretation of output, writing up findings, and co-authoring papers. Dr. Birditt will also assist in the research design phase concerning the types of data items will obtain (e.g., categorical, ordinal, continuous) and plans for subsequent analyses, as well as assisting in the construction of data sets throughout the data collection period. Dr. Birditt also has considerable statistical expertise with regard to selection of analysis strategy and has access to a wide array of services and courses on quantitative analyses at the Institute for Social Research. In terms of leading projects related to these data, Dr. Birditt will primarily be responsible for projects related to examining emotional experiences, emotional tones of conversations and well-being.
The University of Texas at Austin
Funding Period:
09/15/2015 to 05/31/2021