The restricted-use data files containing FoodAPS-1, ADCM, and FoodAPS-2 Field Test data will be available in a secure data enclave. ERS will ensure that all regulatory aspects of security are met to provide efficient and effective access protecting the privacy and confidentiality of individuals and establishments in the data. Researchers from the University of Michigan will conduct statistical and methodological research using these restricted data files within the data enclave. The research team will be led by Dr. Brady T. West, a leading survey methodologist. Dr. West has conducted a series of methodological research projects using FoodAPS data via a currently active cooperative agreement with ERS, and these projects have resulted in multiple peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals (see references below). In addition, he serves on the FoodAPS Technical Work Group leading the pertinent and related work and is quite knowledgeable about the objectives and associated challenges in food data collection. ERS will collaborate with Dr. Wests research team and participate in all phases of research process, from study design to research product dissemination. The proposed methodological research will consider data collection quality from a total survey error/total survey quality (TSE/TSQ) perspective. Specifically, the project will evaluate results from one or more of the following: the first National Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS-1), the ADCM, and/or the FoodAPS-2 Field Test, to identify the strengths and limits of these past data collections in making recommendations for data collection for the FoodAPS-2 Full Survey. The proposed recommendations should propose practical solutions to further improve the quality of food acquisition data collection and the respondent experience during survey response. ERS will consider the research findings in the final study design.
Agriculture, Department of
Funding Period:
09/28/2023 to 08/31/2026