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Funded Research

Transforming the Built Environment to Enhance Mobility in Seniors

PART C ? Epidemiological Study
The Built Environment in the Disablement Process: Cross-National Insights
Philippa Clarke, PhD, University of Michigan

This project is part of a Mobility in Aging Emerging Team Grant for submission to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Aging. The Team Grant initiative is designed to address research gaps and advance scientific and methodological approaches in the area of mobility and aging. The grant is designed to build capacity and alliances across sectors and disciplines, to develop strategies for knowledge translation, and to identify future opportunities to continue work in this area. The proposal that is being submitted by the University of British Columbia is specifically focused on the impact of the built environment on the mobility and health of older adults.

As co-investigator on the grant, Philippa Clarke will have the opportunity to collaborate and interact with a diverse group of researchers and community stakeholders who are all committed to understanding the environmental factors that facilitate health and independence in later life. In addition, she will be leading the research project in Part C of the proposal (Epidemiological Study) that will involve secondary data from clients receiving home and community based care in British Columbia and in Michigan (MDS-HC data).

Funds are available to support graduate student trainees on the project and Robert Melendez, a Master?s student at the University of Michigan School of Information Sciences, will provide assistance with the spatial data management and mapping necessary for the creation of the built environment measures from geographic sources, as well as to assist with their linking with the MDS-HC data. Mr. Melendez is highly skilled in GIS/spatial analysis software, and is a strong candidate for this team project/traineeship


University of British Columbia

Funding Period:

04/01/2013 to 03/31/2014