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Funded Research

Understanding household finance through better measurement w University of Essex

Dr. Mick Couper will contribute his time and expertise on the ?Understanding household finance through better measurement? project being conducted at the University of Essex. Dr. Couper will provide guidance and feedback on several methodological issues, as well as being involved in some analyses, writing and dissemination activities. He will:
? Contribute to the literature review of the methods and best practices in prominent (international) surveys to measure income, expenditure, assets and debts, by helping to identify surveys and methodologies to include. He will also contribute to discussions about how to interpret the results of this review and of the mini consultation of data users, and participate in decision making about the implications of the review for our research design.
? Contribute to the planning stage of the literature review and expert consultation on existing uses of new technologies to collect data on household finances, using new technologies, in-the-moment surveys and gamification methods, as well as contributing to discussions about the interpretation of the literature, implications for our research design, and writing up.
? Be a leading member of the project sub-group that develops the methods for collecting data using select new technologies and gamification methods, and provide guidance and feedback on analysis, writing up of results, and dissemination.
? Provide expertise and guidance on the design of the between wave budget reconciliation web survey.
? Contribute to analysis, writing up and dissemination of analyses of biases in who cooperates with requests to gather data using new technologies.


University of Essex

Funding Period:

01/01/2016 to 06/30/2017