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IVEware: Imputation and Variance Estimation Software: IVEware Related Publications: Multiple Imputation in Practice


The figures in Multiple Imputation in Practice are reproduced below. You can jump to each chapter or figure using the links in the list. They are also available in PDF format.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Chapter 1


Figure 1.1: Illustrations of patterns of missing data

Figure 1.1: Illustrations of patterns of missing data


Figure 1.2: Scatter plots for the three-variable example

Figure 1.2: Scatter plots for the three-variable example

Figure 1.2: Scatter plots for the three-variable example

Figure 1.2: Scatter plots for the three-variable example


Figure 1.3: A schematic display of synthetic data sets produced by SYNTHESIZE module in IVEware.

Figure 1.3: A schematic display of synthetic data sets produced by SYNTHESIZE module in IVEware.

Chapter 2


Figure 2.1: Diagnostics plots to compare the observed and imputed values of systolic blood pressure

Figure 2.1: Diagnostics plots to compare the observed and imputed values of systolic blood pressure

Chapter 3


Figure 3.1: Regression diagnostics plots

Figure 3.1: Regression diagnostics plots

Chapter 7


Figure 7.1: Schematics used in specifying structural equation models

Figure 7.1: Schematics used in specifying structural equation models


Figure 7.2: An example of a structural equation model specification

Figure 7.2: An example of a structural equation model specification


Figure 7.3: Schematic for structural equation model using National Merit Twin Study data

Figure 7.3: Schematic for structural equation model using National Merit Twin Study data


Figure for SEM Exercise 7.1: Path Diagram

Figure for SEM Exercise 7.1: Path Diagram

Chapter 8


Figure 8.1: Estimated daily mean difference between Bup-NX and clonidine groups

Figure 8.1: Estimated daily mean difference between Bup-NX and clonidine groups


Figure 8.2: Head Wages/Salary (1998) by Observed v. Imputed

Figure 8.2: Head Wages/Salary (1998) by Observed v. Imputed


Figure 8.3: HeadWages/Salary(1996) v. HeadWages/Salary(1998), Observed v.Imputed

Figure 8.3: HeadWages/Salary(1996) v. HeadWages/Salary(1998), Observed v.Imputed


Figure 8.4: Head's Wages/Salary by Year and Sample

Figure 8.4: Head's Wages/Salary by Year and Sample


Figure 8.5: Individual Trends of Head Wages/Salary by Year

Figure 8.5: Individual Trends of Head Wages/Salary by Year


Figure 8.6: Predicted Wages/Salary by Sample, among all ages

Figure 8.6: Predicted Wages/Salary by Sample, among all ages


Figure 8.7: Predicted Wages/Salary by Sample and Gender, among those age 30-65

Figure 8.7: Predicted Wages/Salary by Sample and Gender, among those age 30-65