November 12, 2019
SRC Researchers at 2019 Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting
SRC faculty, staff and student papers and posters at the 2019 Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting
Wednesday, November 13
12:30pm-2:00pm, Ken Langa, Ryan McCammon, and Kara Zivin (Co-Authors), Changes in Health Care Utilization for Low-SES Adults Near Retirement After the ACA Medicaid Expansion, 11B, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
2:30pm-4:00pm, Philippa Clarke (Chair), Symposium: Can Neighborhood and Local Environments Modify Cognitive Decline? Findings from The REGARDS Study, 12A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
2:30pm-4:00pm, Joy Bohyun Jang (Presenter), Margaret Hicken, Philippa Clarke & Robert Melendez (co-authors), Racial Residential Segregation and Cognitive Decline Among Older Adults, 12A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
2:30pm-4:00pm, Michael Esposito (Presenter), Philippa Clarke, Jessica Finlay, and Margaret Hicken (Co-Authors), The Interactive Association of Education and Neighborhood Environments on Cognitive Decline, 12A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
2:30pm-4:00pm, Jessica Finlay (Presenter), Michael Esposito, and Iris Gomez-Lopez (Co-Authors), Fast-Food Restaurants: A Neighborhood Resource for Cognitive Function Among Aging Americans?, 12A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
2:30pm-4:00pm, Anam M Khan (Presenter), Philippa Clarke, Jessica Finlay, Carina Gronlund, and Robert Melendez (Co-Authors), Too Hot or Too Cold? Exposure to Extreme Temperatures and Cognitive Function in Older Adults, 12A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00pm, Noah Webster (Chair), Symposium: Neighborhood Context and Later-Life Well-Being: Objective and Subjective Indicators, 6A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00pm, Noah Webster, Kristine J. Ajrouch, Toni Antonucci, Links Between Neighborhood Context and Access to Social Capital in Later Life, 6A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00pm, Toni Antonucci (Chair), Symposium: The Role of Gerontologists in Achieving The UN's Sustainable Development Goals, 13B, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00pm, Toni Antonucci (Chair), The Role of Gerontological Psychology in Achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, 13B, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00, Kira Birditt (co-author), Discordant Chronic Conditions and Depressive Symptoms Among Middle-Aged and Older Couples, 7, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00pm, Jessica Faul (Co-Author), Combined Effect of CMV Seropositivity and Systemic Inflammation on Dementia Prevalence in Cancer Survivors, 8A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
4:30pm-6:00pm, Jacqui Smith (Discussant), Symposium: Early-Life Influences on Later-Life Health, 5B, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
6:00pm-8:00pm, Michael Elliott & Toni Antonucci (Poster Co-Authors), Types of Social Networks and Their Association With Mobility and Disability in Late Life, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
6:00pm-8:00pm, Joonyoung Cho (Poster Presenter), Jacqui Smith (Co-Author), Does Moving Later in Life Influence In-Person Contact With Children, Family, and Friends?, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
6:00pm-8:00pm, Mengyao Hu (Late Breaking Poster Presenter), Xinyu Zhang and Jacqui Smith (Co-Authors), Evaluating Item Nonresponse in a Life History Calendar: An Analysis of Memory Effects, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
Thursday, November 14
8:00am-9:30am, Toni Antonucci, Older People and Technology: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, 19AB, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
8:00am-9:30am, Mengyao Hu (Co-Author), Cognitive Decline Among Older Adults in Rural China: The Protective Role of Formal Schooling, 9B, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
12:00pm-1:30pm, Toni Antonucci (discussant), Symposium: I-Conect Project: Can Social Interaction Improve Cognitive Functions Among Socially Isolated Older Adults?, 7, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
12:00pm-1:30pm, Kristine J. Ajrouch, Toni Antonucci (co-author), A Family-Centered Approach to Dementia Caregiving Among Arab Americans, 13A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Toni Antonucci (poster co-author), Transitioning out of Grandchildren Caregiving: Effects on Grandparents' Emotional Well-Being, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Jessica Finlay (Poster Co-Author), Caregiver Responses to Remote Activity Monitor Alerts of Persons With Dementia, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Jessica Faul (Poster Co-Author), Muscle Weakness Is Associated With Disability and Chronic Multimorbidity in Middle-Aged and Older Americans, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Amanda Sonnega and Ken Langa (Poster Co-Authors), Cognitive Impairment and Sleep Difficulties Over 10 Years in a National Sample of Older Adults, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Mary Beth Ofstedal (Poster Co-Author), Characteristics and Living Arrangements of Childless Elderly Americans, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Mary Beth Ofstedal (Poster Co-Author), Social Stratification and Trajectories of Living Arrangements Among Older Americans, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
Friday, November 15
8:00am-9:30am, Ken Langa (Co-Author), Can Hearing Aids Delay the Onset of Alzheimer's and Other Age-Related Conditions Among Adults With Hearing Loss, 18A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
10:00am-11:30, Philippa Clarke (Co-Author), Cognitive Decline Enhances Vulnerability to Environmental Determinants of Mobility, 9B, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
10:00am-11:30, Philippa Clarke (Co-Author), Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Gray Matter Volume in Older Adults, 9B, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
10:00am-11:30am, Jessica Faul, Epigenetic Aging in the HRS, 13B, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
10:00am-11:30, Jessica Finlay (Presenter), Philippa Clarke, Anam M Khan, Carina Gronlund, and Robert Melendez (Co-Authors), Winter Woes? Impact of Snow, Sleet, and Rain on Age-Related Cognitive Decline, 9B, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30-3:30, Jessica Faul (Poster Co-Author), Combined Effect of CMV Seropositivity and Systemic Inflammation on Dementia Prevalence in Cancer Survivors, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
5:00pm-6:30pm, Kristine J. Ajrouch (chair), Toni Antonucci (co-chair), Symposium: Cognitive Health and ADRD: Gender, Race, and Ethnic Issues, 8A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
5:00pm-6:30pm, Jessica Finlay (Chair), Symposium: Interest Group Session & Environmental Gerontology: Precarious Aging in Place? Critical Perspectives on Aging In Contexts of Instability, 4BC, Level C (Austin Convention Center)
Saturday, November 16
12:00pm-1:30pm, Noah Webster and Toni Antonucci, Links Between Social Engagement and Successful Aging Among Affordable Senior Housing Residents, 17A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
12:00pm-1:30pm, Jacqui Smith (Co-Author), Distinguishing Subjective Experience From Objective Factors in Decision Making and Perceived Effort, 11B, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
12:00pm-1:30pm, Amanda Sonnega (Co-Author), Religious Attendance, Social Support, and Self-Rated Health in Former National Football League Athletes, 17A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)
12:00pm-1:30pm, Mary Beth Ofstedal (Co-Author), Later-Life Living Arrangements of Childless Americans: A Lifetable Approach, 4A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Marina Larkina (Poster Presenter), Jacqui Smith (Co-Author), Retrospective Life History Survey Revealed Autobiographical Memory Bump, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
1:30pm-3:30pm, Noah Webster (Late-Breaking Poster Presenter), Housing context and functional health among lower income older adults, EH-4, Level 1 (Austin Convention Center)
3:30pm-5:00pm, Kira Birditt (Chair), Symposium: It's the Little Things that Count: Implications of Daily Experiences for Well-Being and Biological Indicators, 5A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
3:30pm-5:00pm, Kira Birditt, Matters of the Heart: Daily Social Interactions and Cardiovascular Reactivity in Middle and Old Age, 5A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
3:30pm-5:00pm, Kira Birditt (co-author), Daily Social Interactions and Biological Stress Reactivity: Are There Age Differences?, 5A, Level 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Sunday, November 17
8:00am-9:30am, Noah Webster and Toni Antonucci (co-authors), The Strength of Weaker Ties: Have We Been Ignoring a Resource for Aging Adults?, 13A, Level 4 (Austin Convention Center)