April 9, 2019
SRC Researchers at the 2019 Population Association of America Annual Meeting
While at the 2019 Population Association of America Annual Meeting, be sure to stop by the Health and Retirement Study and Panel Study of Income Dynamics exhibits in booths 21 and 22. Schedules by date of the presentations and posters using HRS and PSID data are available to download: the HRS schedule is here (PDF) and the PSID schedule is here (PDF).
Wednesday, April 10
1:00-3:00 pm, Paula Fomby, Member Initiated Meeting: Panel Study of Income Dynamics Workshop for New and Prospective Users, Meeting Room 213
Thursday, April 11
8:30-10:00 am, Paula Fomby, Discussant, Session 18: The Role of Fathers on Child Well-being, Meeting Room 306 (Level 3)
10:00-11:30 am, Noura Insolera, Poster Presenter, The Influence of Nutrition Assistance Program Participation in Childhood on Improved Young-Adult Food Security, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
10:00-11:30 am, Emily Treleaven, Poster Presenter, Re-Examining the Relationship Between Parental Migration and the Health of Children Left Behind, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
10:00-11:30 am, Narayan Sastry, Poster Co-Author, The Effects of Childhood Health Trajectories on College Enrollment, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
1:00-2:30 pm, Fabian Pfeffer, Presenter, The Effects of Social Mobility on Individual Well-being, Attitudes, and Behavior: A Bounding Approach, Meeting Room 211/212 (Level 2)
1:00-2:30 pm, HwaJung Choi and Robert Schoeni, Co-Authors, Disparities in Mortality and Its Consequences for Kin Availability and Intergenerational Transfers in the United States, Meeting Room 303 (Level 3)
1:00-2:30 pm, Asta Breinholt, Paula Fomby, Co-Author, Affording the Luxury of Negotiation: Primary Caregivers' Rules for Adolescents, Meeting Room 305 (Level 3)
1:00-2:30 pm, Michael Esposito, Chair, Flash Session: Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Health, Lone Star A (Level 3)
2:30-4:00 pm, Paula Fomby, Poster Co-Author, Adolescent Technology, Sleep, and Physical Activity Time in Two U.S. Cohorts, 2002-2014, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
3:00-4:30 pm, Narayan Sastry, Presenter, Creating a New Nationally Representative Sample of Immigrants to the United States: Design and Results From the 2017 PSID New Immigrant Refresher, Lone Star F (Level 3)
4:30-6:00 pm, Kate Duchowny, Maggie Hicken, and Philippa Clarke, Poster Co-Authors, Life Course Determinants of Muscle Weakness: The Role of Stress and Trauma, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
5:00-6:30 pm, Narayan Sastry, Chair, Session 99: Optimizing Self-response in the 2020 Census, Brazos/206 (Level 2)
5:00-6:30 pm, Emily Treleaven, Chair, Session 109: Measurement Challenges and Innovations in Infant and Child Health and Mortality, Meeting Room 203 (Level 2)
Friday, April 12
8:00-9:30 am, Haena Lee, Poster Presenter, Race, Childhood Structural Factors, and Cognitive Function in Later Life, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
8:15-9:45 am, Lauren Schmitz, Presenter, The Influence of Early-Life Economic Shocks on Long-Term Health and Economic Well-being: Evidence From the U.S. Great Depression and New Deal, Meeting Room 202 (Level 2)
8:15-9:45 am, Paula Fomby, Presenter, Family Complexity and Children's Behavior Problems Over Two U.S. Cohorts, Meeting Room 204 (Level 2)
8:15-9:45 am, Robert Schoeni, Co-Author, Changes in Financial and Time Transfers With Parents Over 25 Years: Evidence From the 1988 and 2013 PSID, Meeting Room 303 (Level 3)
8:15-9:45 am, Ken Langa, Presenter, Cognitive Aging, Dementia, and the Future of an Aging Population, Meeting Room 306 (Level 3)
8:15-9:45 am, Jessica Faul, Chair, and Erin Ware, Discussant, Session 142: Genes and Health – Using Polygenic Scores, Meeting Room 305 (Level 3)
10:15-11:45 am, Michael Esposito, Presenter, Inequality in Context: Neighborhood Environments and Their Effects on Educational Health Gradients, Meeting Room 203 (Level 2)
10:15-11:45 am, Lauren Schmitz, Presenter, The Influence of Early-Life Economic Shocks and Genetic Diversity on Long-Term Health and Economic Well-being, Meeting Room 304 (Level 3)
10:15-9:45 am, Fabian Pfeffer, Co-Author, Beyond the Diagonal Reference Model: Critiques and New Directions, Meeting Room 305 (Level 3)
10:15-11:45 am, Jeffrey Morenoff, Discussant, Session 157: Violence and Health, Meeting Room 311 (Level 3)
10:15-11:45, Michael Esposito, Co-Author, Lifetime Risks of Being Killed by Police in the United States by Race and Gender, Meeting Room 311 (Level 3)
1:00-2:30 pm, Jennifer Barber, Discussant, Session 184: Reproductive Behavior and Sexual Health of Middle and Older Adults, Meeting Room 308 (Level 3)
1:00-2:30 pm, Paula Fomby, Co-Author, The Changing Demography of U.S. Fatherhood, Meeting Room 304 (Level 3)
2:30-4:00 pm, Noura Insolera, Poster Presenter, The Influence of Family Foodways on Young Adult Food Security, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
2:30-4:00 pm, Emily Treleaven, Poster Co-Author, The Rise and Prominence of Skip-Generation Households in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Griffin Hall (Level 2)
2:45-4:15 pm, Paula Fomby, Co-Author, Inequalities in Teenage Pregnancy and Fertility by Race and Place, Meeting Room 308 (Level 3)
2:45-4:15 pm, David Johnson, Chair, Session 193: Measuring Poverty, Meeting Room 202 (Level 2)
Saturday, April 13
9:15-10:45, Arland Thornton and Linda Young-DeMarco, Co-Authors, Family Obligations, Gender, and Migration in Nepal, Meeting Room 204 (Level 2)
11:15-12:45 am, Jessica Faul, Chair, and Lauren Schmitz, Discussant, Session 232: Gene-Environment Interaction and Health, Meeting Room 203 (Level 2)
11:15-12:45 am, Erin Ware and Colter Mitchell, Co-Authors, Using Polygenic Scores for Educational Attainment to Probe Genetic Effects on Schooling Outcomes Among Fragile Families, Meeting Room 203 (Level 2)