Professor Emeritus of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Dr. Laitner is Director of the University of Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center. His research falls primarily in the area of economic theory, in particular, factors influencing long-run growth and the distribution of wealth. He also studies Social Security solvency issues and reform options.
Funded Research
- John P Laitner, Eric French, Alan L. Gustman, Michael D. Hurd, Olivia S. Mitchell, Kathleen J. Mullen, Susan C Barnes. 2020. Social Security Research at the University of Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center. Social Security Bulletin 80(1):19-29.
- John P Laitner, Daniel Susman Silverman. 2019. Population ageing and tax system efficiency. Live Long and Prosper? The Economics of Ageing Populations :132-135.
- John P Laitner, Daniel Susman Silverman, Dmitriy L Stolyarov. 2018. The Role of Annuitized Wealth in Post-retirement Behavior. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 10(3):71-117.
- John P Laitner, matsushita, Keiichiro , Nishimura, Noriko . 2013. Technological Progress and the Wage Growth of Older Japanese Workers. The Review of Socionetwork Strategies 7(2):65-83.
- John P Laitner, Dmitriy L Stolyarov. 2013. Derivative ideas and the value of intangible assets. International Economic Review 54(1):59-95.
- John P Laitner, Amanda J Sonnega. 2013. Economic Theories of Retirement. The Oxford Handbook of Retirement :136-151.
- John P Laitner, Daniel Susman Silverman. 2012. Consumption, retirement and social security: Evaluating the efficiency of reform that encourages longer careers. Journal of Public Economics 96(7/8):615.
- John P Laitner, Amanda J Sonnega, Burkhauser, R , Gustman, A , Mitchell, O . 2009. Social Security Research at the Michigan Retirement Research Center. Social security bulletin 69(4):51-64.
- Christopher L House, John P Laitner, Dmitriy L Stolyarov. 2008. Valuing lost home production of dual earner couples. International Economic Review 49(2):701-736.
- John P Laitner. 2007. Comment On: David Bloom, David Canning, Rick Mansfield, and Michael Moore's 'Demographic Change, Social Security Systems, and Savings'. Journal of Monetary Economics 54(1):115-117.
- John P Laitner, Daniel Susman Silverman. 2005. Estimating Life-Cycle Parameters from Consumption Behavior at Retirement.
- John P Laitner, Dmitriy L Stolyarov. 2004. Aggregate Returns to Scale and Embodied Technical Change: Theory and Measurement Using Stock Market Data. Journal of Monetary Economics 51(1):191-233.
- John P Laitner. 2003. The Impact of Gifts and Bequests on the Distribution of Wealth: Comment. Death and dollars: The role of gifts and bequests in America :378-381.
- John P Laitner, Dmitriy L Stolyarov. 2003. Technological Change and the Stock Market. American Economic Review 93(4):1240-1267.
- John P Laitner. 2002. Wealth Inequality and Altruistic Bequests. American Economic Review 92(2):270-273.
- John P Laitner, Ohlsson, Henry . 2001. Bequest Motives: A Comparison of Sweden and the United States. Journal of Public Economics 79(1):205-236.
- John P Laitner. 2001. Inequality and Wealth Accumulation: Eliminating the Federal Gift and Estate Tax. Rethinking estate and gift taxation :258-292.
- John P Laitner. 2001. Secular Changes in Wealth Inequality and Inheritance. Economic Journal 111(474):691-721.
- John P Laitner. 2001. A Quantitative Model of the British Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850: A Comment. Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 55(1):111-115.
- John P Laitner. 2000. Social Security Reform and National Wealth. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 102(3):349-371.
- John P Laitner. 2000. Structural Change and Economic Growth. Review of Economic Studies 67(3):545-561.
- John P Laitner. 2000. Earnings within Education Groups and Overall Productivity Growth. Journal of Political Economy 108(4):807-832.
- John P Laitner. 1999. Means-Tested Public Assistance and the Demand for State Lottery Tickets. Review of Economic Dynamics 2(1):273-290.
- John P Laitner. 1997. Intergenerational and Interhousehold Economic Links. Handbook of population and family economics. Volume 1A. :189-238.
- John P Laitner, Juster, F. Thomas. 1996. New Evidence on Altruism: A Study of TIAA-CREF Retirees. American Economic Review 86(4):893-908.
- John P Laitner. 1995. Quantitative Evaluations of Efficient Tax Policies for Lucas' Supply Side Models. Oxford Economic Papers 47(3):471-492.
- John P Laitner. 1995. Quantitative Evaluations of Efficient Tax Policies for Lucasâ Supply Side Models. Oxford Economic Papers 47(3):471-492.
- John P Laitner. 1993. Long-Run Equilibria with Borrowing Constraints and Altruism. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 17(1-2):65-96.
- John P Laitner. 1993. Long-Run Growth and Human Capital. Canadian Journal of Economics 26(4):796-814.
- John P Laitner. 1992. Random Earnings Differences, Lifetime Liquidity Constraints, and Altruistic Intergenerational Transfers. Journal of Economic Theory 58(2):135-170.
- John P Laitner. 1991. Modeling Marital Connections among Family Lines. Journal of Political Economy 99(6):1123-1141.
- John P Laitner. 1990. Tax Changes and Phase Diagrams for an Overlapping Generations Model. Journal of Political Economy 98(1):193-220.
- John P Laitner. 1989. Dynamic Determinacy and the Existence of Sunspot Equilibria. Journal of Economic Theory 47(1):39-50.
- John P Laitner. 1988. Bequests, Gifts, and Social Security. Review of Economic Studies 55(2):275-299.
- John P Laitner. 1987. The Dynamic Analysis of Continuous-Time Life-Cycle Savings Growth. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 11(3):331-357.
- John P Laitner. 1985. Stationary Equilibrium Transition Rules for an Overlapping Generations Model with Uncertainty. Journal of Economic Theory 35(1):83-108.
- John P Laitner, Courant, Paul N., Gramlich, Edward M. 1984. A Dynamic Microeconomic Estimate of the Life-Cycle Model. Retirement and Economic Behavior :279-309.
- John P Laitner. 1984. Transition Time Paths for Overlapping-Generations Models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 7(2):111-129.
- John P Laitner. 1984. Resource Extraction Costs and Competitive Steady-State Growth. International Economic Review 25(2):297-314.
- John P Laitner. 1982. Monopoly and Long-Run Capital Accumulation. Bell Journal of Economics 13(1):143-157.
- John P Laitner. 1982. The inheritance tax. Michigan's fiscal and economic structure :647.
- John P Laitner. 1982. The Definition of Stability in Models with Perfect Foresight. Journal of Economic Theory 28(2):347-353.
- John P Laitner. 1981. The Steady States of a Stochastic Decentralized Growth Model. Journal of Economic Theory 24(3):377-392.
- John P Laitner. 1981. The Stability of Steady States in Perfect Foresight Models. Econometrica 49(2):319-333.
- John P Laitner. 1980. "Rational" Duopoly Equilibria. Quarterly Journal of Economics 95(4):641-662.
- John P Laitner. 1980. Intergenerational Preference Differences and Optimal National Saving. Journal of Economic Theory 22(1):56-66.
- John P Laitner. 1979. Household Bequest Behaviour and the National Distribution of Wealth. Review of Economic Studies 46(3):467-483.
- John P Laitner. 1979. Household Bequests, Perfect Expectations, and the National Distribution of Wealth. Econometrica 47(5):1175-1193.
- John P Laitner. 1979. Bequests, Golden-age Capital Accumulation and Government Debt. Economica 46(184):403-414.