Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Lisa Holland

Director Design, Methodology and Statistical Support

Photo of Holland,Lisa


Lisa Holland is the Director of the Design, Methodology and Statistical Support unit in Survey Research Operations, overseeing proposal development, design, and budgeting for SRO. She has over 30 years of experience in survey methodology and previously served as the Director of the Statistics and Methodology Unit in SRO. She has a master’s degree in applied social research from the University of Michigan, and her primary interest is in questionnaire design and wording and identifying and reducing potential sources of error in survey instruments. She provides consultation to a wide variety of faculty, staff, and students across campus who incorporate surveys into their research. Ms. Holland is also interested in interviewer training and is a member of the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) training team.


  • Lisa Holland, Groves, Robert M.. 1992. Developing systematic procedures for monitoring in a centralized telephone facility. Journal of Official Statistics 8(1):63-76.