Professor Emeritus of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Funded Research
- Miles S Kimball, Matthew D Shapiro, Shumway, Tyler G, Zhang, Jing . 2020. Portfolio rebalancing in general equilibrium. Journal of Financial Economics 135(3):816-834.
- Miles S Kimball, Kinari, Yusuke , Ohtake, Fumio , Morimoto, Shoko , Tsutsui, Yoshiro . 2019. Happiness before and after an election: An analysis based on a daily survey around Japan's 2009 election. Japan and the World Economy 49:187-194.
- Miles S Kimball, Gollier, Christian . 2018. Toward a Systematic Approach to the Economic Effects of Risk: Characterizing Utility Functions. Journal of Risk and Insurance 85(2):397-430.
- Miles S Kimball, Gollier, Christian . 2018. New methods in the classical economics of uncertainty: comparing risks. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 43(1):5-23.
- Miles S Kimball, Benjamin, Daniel J., Cooper, Kristen B, Heffetz, Ori . 2017. Challenges in Constructing a Survey-Based Well-Being Index. American Economic Review 107(5):81-85.
- Miles S Kimball. 2017. Next generation monetary policy. Journal of Macroeconomics 54(Part A):100-109.
- Miles S Kimball, Benjamin, Daniel J., Heffetz, Ori , Lougee, Derek . 2017. The relationship between the normalized gradient addition mechanism and quadratic voting. Public Choice 172(1):233-263.
- Miles S Kimball. 2015. Cognitive Economics. Japanese Economic Review 66(2):167-181.
- Miles S Kimball. 2015. Negative Interest Rate Policy as Conventional Monetary Policy. National Institute Economic Review 234(1):R5-R14.
- Miles S Kimball, Benjamin, Daniel J., Heffetz, Ori , Rees-Jones, Alex . 2014. Can Marginal Rates of Substitution Be Inferred from Happiness Data? Evidence from Residency Choices. American Economic Review 104(11):3498-3528.
- Miles S Kimball, Benjamin, Daniel J., Heffetz, Ori , Szembrot, Nichole . 2014. Beyond Happiness and Satisfaction: Toward Well-Being Indices Based on Stated Preference. The American Economic Review 104(9):2698-2735.
- Miles S Kimball. 2014. The Effect of Uncertainty on Optimal Control Models in the Neighbourhood of a Steady State. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 39(1):2-39.
- Miles S Kimball, Benjamin, Daniel J., Heffetz, Ori , Szembrot, Nichole . 2013. Aggregating Local Preferences to Guide Marginal Policy Adjustments. American Economic Review 103(3):605-610.
- Miles S Kimball, Benjamin, Daniel J., Heffetz, Ori , Rees-Jones, Alex . 2012. What Do You Think Would Make You Happier? What Do You Think You Would Choose?. American Economic Review 102(5):2083-2110.
- Miles S Kimball, Tsutsui, Yoshiro , Ohtake, Fumio . 2010. Koizumi carried the day: Did the Japanese election results make people happy and unhappy?. European Journal of Political Economy 26(1):12-24.
- Miles S Kimball, Weil, P . 2009. Precautionary Saving and Consumption Smoothing across Time and Possibilities. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 41(2/3):245-284.
- Miles S Kimball, Matthew D Shapiro, Sahm, Claudia R. 2009. Risk Preferences in the PSID: Individual Imputations and Family Covariation. American Economic Review 99(2):363-68.
- Miles S Kimball, Carroll, C . 2008. Precautionary saving and precautionary wealth. The new Palgrave dictionary of economics 2nd
- Miles S Kimball, Matthew D Shapiro, Sahm, C . 2008. Imputing Risk Tolerance From Survey Responses. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103(483):1028-1038.
- Christopher L House, Miles S Kimball, Barsky, Robert B.. 2007. Sticky-price models and durable goods. American Economic Review 97(3):984-998.
- Miles S Kimball, Basu, Susanto , Fernald, John G. 2006. Are Technology Improvements Contractionary?. American Economic Review 96(5):1418-1448.
- Miles S Kimball, Elmendorf, E . 2000. Taxation of Labor Income and the Demand for Risky Assets. International Economic Review 41:801-832.
- Miles S Kimball, Matthew D Shapiro, Barsky, Robert B., Juster, F. Thomas. 1997. Preference parameters and behavioral heterogeneity: An experimental approach in the health and retirement study. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 112(2):537.
- Miles S Kimball, Carroll, Christopher D. 1996. On the Concavity of the Consumption Function. Econometrica 64(4):981-992.
- Miles S Kimball. 1995. The Quantitative Analytics of the Basic Neomonetarist Model. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 27(4):1241-1277.
- Miles S Kimball. 1994. Labor-Market Dynamics When Unemployment is a Worker Discipline Device. American Economic Review 84(4):1045-1059.
- Miles S Kimball. 1994. The Importance of Precautionary Motives in Explaining Individual and Aggregate Saving: A Comment. Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 40:127-132.
- Miles S Kimball. 1993. Standard Risk Aversion. Econometrica 61(3):589-611.
- Miles S Kimball, Eeckhoudt, Louis . 1992. Background Risk, Prudence, and the Demand for Insurance. Contributions to insurance economics :239-254.
- Miles S Kimball. 1992. Precautionary motives for holding assests. The new Palgrave dictionary of money & finance :158.
- Miles S Kimball, Basu, Susanto , Mankiw, N Gregory, Weil, David N. 1990. Optimal Advice For Monetary Policy. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 22(1):19.
- Miles S Kimball. 1990. Precautionary Saving in the Small and in the Large. Econometrica 58(1):53-73.
- Miles S Kimball. 1989. The Effect of Demand Uncertainty on a Precommitted Monopoly Price. Economics Letters 30(1):1-5.
- Miles S Kimball, Mankiw, N Gregory. 1989. Precautionary Saving and the Timing of Taxes. Journal of Political Economy 97(4):863-879.
- Miles S Kimball. 1988. Farmers' Cooperatives as Behavior Toward Risk. American Economic Review 78(1):224-232.
- Miles S Kimball. 1987. Making Sense of Two-Sided Altruism. Journal of Monetary Economics 20(2):301-326.