Professor Emeritus of Architecture and Urban Planning, A Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning & Research Professor Emeritus of Survey Research Center, Inst for Social Research

Robert W. Marans is research professor emeritus at the Institute for Social Research and professor emeritus of architecture and urban planning in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. Throughout his career, Dr. Marans has conducted research and evaluative studies dealing with various aspects of communities, neighborhoods, housing, and parks and recreational facilities. His research has focused on attributes of the physical and sociocultural environments and their influence on individual and group behavior, well-being, and quality of life. His current work deals with cultural issues of sustainability and climate change in institutional settings including universities and the impact of the built and natural environments on quality of life.
Initially trained as an architect (licensed 1967-2021), Marans taught graduate courses in both architecture and urban planning for more than 30 years and served as director and program chair in planning for more than a decade. He is currently active in recreation policy in southeastern Michigan. Marans is a charter member and past president of the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission and commissioner former chair of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority (HCMA), the governing body responsible for the planning, development, and operations of the metroparks throughout Southeastern Michigan. He also is a trustee of the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, and has served on the executive committee of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, and the boards of the University’s Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy, the Michigan Land Use Institute, and the Legacy Land Conservancy. Marans is the author or co-author of 10 books and more than 100 articles and technical reports. His most recent book, Handbook of Quality of Life Research: Place and Space Perspectives (co-edited with R. Stimson & N. Webster) was published Edward Elgar in early 2024. Among his honors, he was a recipient of Progressive Architecture Applied Research Award, a Design Research Award from the National Endowment for the Arts, and a Career Award of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA). He was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners (FAICP) and selected as a Pioneer in Quality of Life Research by the Journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life. He serves on the editorial boards of several professional journals and has lectured extensively throughout the US, and in Europe, Asia, South Africa, South America, Australia, and the Middle East.
Funded Research
- Robert W Marans, Robert J. Stimson, Noah J Webster. 2024. Handbook of Quality of Life Research: Place and Space Perspectives.
- Robert W Marans, Ying Xu. 2021. Quality of Life in New Towns: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?. Toward Twenty-First Century New Towns :43-58.
- Robert W Marans. 2021. Pioneer in Quality of Urban Life Research: Robert W. Marans. Applied Research in Quality of Life 16:1819–1822.
- Gregory Cogut, Noah J Webster, Robert W Marans, John Henry Callewaert. 2019. Links between sustainability-related awareness and behavior: The moderating role of engagement. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20(7):1240-1257.
- Noah J Webster, Robert W Marans, Cogut, Gregory , Callewaert, John . 2019. Links between sustainability-related awareness and behavior. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
- Robert W Marans, Yan, Xiang , Levine, Jonathan . 2019. The effectiveness of parking policies to reduce parking demand pressure and car use. Transport Policy 73:41-50.
- Rodrigo Martins Moreira, Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros, Robert W Marans, Noah J Webster, Andrew L Hupp. 2018. Assessing Sustainability Culture at the University of São PauloâSão Carlos. Towards Green Campus Operations: Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development Initiatives at Universities :545-559.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John . 2018. Evaluating Changes in Sustainability Culture: A Model for Universities and Other Organizations. Building Performance Evaluation: From Delivery Process to Life Cycle Phases :249-259.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John . 2018. Measuring and tracking pro-environmental behaviour amongst university employees. Research Handbook on Employee Pro-Environmental Behaviour :430-454.
- Robert W Marans, Noah J Webster, Andrew L Hupp, Moreira, Rodrigo Martins, Malheiros, Tadeu Fabrício. 2018. Assessing Sustainability Culture at the University of Ṣo Paulo-Ṣo Carlos. Towards Green Campus Operations: Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development Initiatives at Universities :545-559.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John . 2018. Monitoring Sustainability Culture: An Overview of a Multi-Year Program of Evaluation Research at the University of Michigan. Planning Knowledge and Research
- Robert W Marans, Filho, Walter Leal, Callewaert, John . 2018. Handbook of Sustainability and Social Science Research.
- Robert W Marans, Filho, Walter Leal, Brandli, Luciana Londero, Becker, Deisi , Skanavis, Constantina , Kounani, Aristea , Sardi, Chrysoula , Papaioannidou, Dimitra , Paco, Arminda , Azeiteiro, Ulisses , de Sousa, Luiza Olim, Raath, Schalk , Shiel, Christine , Vargas, Valeria , Trencher, Gregory . 2018. Sustainable Development Policies as Indicators and Pre-Conditions for Sustainability Efforts at Universities: fact or fiction?. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 19(1):85-113.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John . 2017. Measuring Progress Over Time: The Sustainability Cultural Indicators Program at the University of Michigan. Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Volume 2 :173-187.
- Robert W Marans, John Henry Callewaert. 2017. Evaluating Sustainability Initiatives on University Campuses: A Case Study from the University of Michigan’s Sustainability Cultural Indicators Program. Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Volume 2 :189-199.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John . 2017. Evaluating Sustainability Initiatives on University Campuses: A Case Study from the University of Michigan's Sustainability Cultural Indicators Program. Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Volume 2 :189-199.
- Robert W Marans, Kweon, Byoung-Suk, Yi, Che-Wei . 2016. Parks and Quality of Life: Differences among African American and White Residents. Landscape Journal 35(1):97-108.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John , Shriberg, Michael . 2015. Advancing a Culture of Sustainability at the University of Michigan. Implementing Campus Greening Initiatives: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives :165-181.
- Robert W Marans. 2015. Quality of urban life & environmental sustainability studies: Future linkage opportunities. Measuring the Prosperity of Cities 45(Part 1):47-52.
- Robert W Marans, Callewaert, John , Shriberg, Michael . 2015. Enhancing and Monitoring Sustainability Culture at the University of Michigan. Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities: Working Across Disciplines :165-179.
- Robert W Marans, Wineman, Jean D, Schulz, Amy J, van der Westhuizen, Diaan Louis, Mentz, Graciela B, Max, Paul . 2014. Designing Healthy Neighborhoods Contributions of the Built Environment to Physical Activity in Detroit. Journal of Planning Education and Research 34(2):180-189.
- Robert W Marans. 2014. Detroit Area Studies (DAS). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research :1594-1596.
- Robert W Marans, Johnson-Lawrence, Vicki Demeitris, Schulz, Amy , Mentz, Graciela , Israel, Barbara A, Max, Paul , Zenk, Shannon N. 2013. Independent and Joint Associations between Multiple Measures of the Built and Social Environment and Physical Activity in a Multi-Ethnic Urban Community. Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 90(5):872-887.
- Robert W Marans, Oktay, Derya , Rustemli, Ahmet . 2012. Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction among Local Residents and International Students: a Case Study in Famagusta, North Cyprus. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 29(3):224-240.
- Robert W Marans, Brown, Daniel G., Wang, Zhifang , Nassauer, Joan I. 2012. Different Types of Open Spaces and Their Importance to Exurban Homeowners. Society & Natural Resources 25(4):368-383.
- Robert W Marans, Levy, B L. M.. 2012. Towards a campus culture of environmental sustainability: Recommendations for a large university. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 13(4):365-377.
- Robert W Marans. 2012. Quality of Urban Life Studies: An Overview and Implications for Environment-Behaviour Research. AicE-Bs 2011 Famagusta (Asia Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies, Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 7-9 December 2011) 35:9-22.
- Robert W Marans, McCrea, Rod , Stimson, Robert , Western, John . 2011. Subjective Measurement of Quality of Life Using Primary Data Collection and the Analysis of Survey Data. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :55-75.
- Robert W Marans, McCrea, Rod , Stimson, Robert . 2011. The Evolution of Integrative Approaches to the Analysis of Quality of Urban Life. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :77-104.
- Robert W Marans, Robert Stimson. 2011. An Overview of Quality of Urban Life. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :1-39.
- Robert W Marans, Robert Stimson. 2011. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research.
- Robert W Marans, Kweon, Byoung-Suk. 2011. Disaggregating the Measurement of Quality of Urban Life Dimensions Across a Complex Metro Region: The Case of Metro Detroit. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :369-384.
- Robert W Marans, Kweon, Byoung-Suk. 2011. The Quality of Life in Metro Detroit at the Beginning of the Millennium. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :163-183.
- Robert W Marans, Stimson, Robert . 2011. Challenges for Quality of Urban Life Research. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :437-444.
- Robert W Marans, Stimson, Robert . 2011. Objective Measurement of Quality of Life Using Secondary Data Analysis. Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research :33-53.
- Robert W Marans, Oktay, Derya . 2010. Overall Quality of Urban Life and Neighborhood Satisfaction: A Household Survey in the Walled City of Famagusta. Open House International 35:27-36.
- Robert W Marans, Edelstein, Jack Y. 2010. The human dimension of energy conservation and sustainability. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 11(1):6-18.
- Robert W Marans, Baran, P , Smith, W , Turkoglu, H , Bolen, F . 2009. Walking behavior in Istanbul: Individual attributes, neighborhood context and perceived safety. ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 6:21-40.
- Robert W Marans. 2009. Revitalizing an inner-city park in Detroit: A retrospecitive on the benefits approach to planning. Managing to optimize the beneficial outcomes of recreation
- Robert W Marans. 2009. Revitalizing an inner-city park in Detroit: A retrospecitive on the benefits approach to planning. Managing to optimize the beneficial outcomes of recreation
- Robert W Marans. 2007. Kentsel Yasam Kalitesinin Olculmesi (Measuring quality of urban life). Mimarlik 335(May/June)
- Robert W Marans. 2007. Measuring the quality of life in world cities: The Detroit experience. Journal of Architecture (Chinese) (2):9-13.
- Robert W Marans, Turkoglu, H D, Bolen, F , Korca, B P. 2007. Istanbul' da Konut Alanlarinda Yasam Kalitesinin Olculmesi (Measuring the quality of life in Istanbul). Mimarlik 335(May/June)
- Robert W Marans, Ryu, E . 2006. Survey Incentives: Cash vs. In-Kind; Face-to-Face vs. Mail; Response Rate vs. Nonresponse Error. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 18(1):89-106.
- Robert W Marans. 2005. Modeling residential quality using subjective and objective indicators. Methodologies in housing research :312-326.
- Robert W Marans, Kim, Tae-Kyung , Horner, Mark W. 2005. Life Cycle and Environmental Factors in Selecting Residential and Job Locations. Housing Studies 20(3):457-473.
- Robert W Marans, Brown, Daniel G., Fernandez, L E, Nassauer, J I. 2005. Characterizing location preferences in an exurban population: implications for agent-based modeling. Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design 32(6):799-820.
- Robert W Marans, Vogt, Christine A. 2004. Natural resources and open space in the residential decision process: a study of recent movers to fringe counties in southeast Michigan. Landscape and Urban Planning 69(2-3):255-269.
- Robert W Marans. 2004. Neighborhood planning: The contributions of Artur Glikson. Journal of architectural and planning research 21(2):112.
- Robert W Marans. 2003. Understanding environmental quality through quality of life studies: the 2001 DAS and its use of subjective and objective indicators. Landscape and Urban Planning 65(1-2):73-83.
- Robert W Marans, Vogt, Christine A. 2003. Open space neighborhoods: Residents' views on new forms of development. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 3(4):49-69.
- Robert W Marans. 2002. Metropolitan area attitude surveys: The Detroit experience. Urban Quality Indicators 27(Fall)
- Robert W Marans. 2001. Measuring quality of community life: A program in longitudinal and cross-cultural research. IAPS Bulletin of People-Environment Studies 19(Autumn)
- Robert W Marans, Stokols, Daniel . 1999. Environmental simulation : research and policy issues. Chinese:327.
- Robert W Marans. 1999. Training future urbanists: The integration fo theory and practice. International Journal of Urban Sciences 3:1-13.
- Robert W Marans, Erickson, Donna . 1999. Participatory planning: Assessing methods for obtaining chlidren's input in park design. IAPS Bulletin of People-Environment Studies 13(Special issue on Children, Youth and Environments)
- Robert W Marans, Moore, Gary T. 1999. Advances in environment, behavior, and design: Toward the integration of theory, methods, research, and utilization. Vol. 4. 13
- Robert W Marans. 1998. Retirement communities. The encyclopedia of housing
- Robert W Marans, West, P C, Rosenblatt, D , Fly, J M. 1997. Fish consumption and the elderly: Implications for fish consumption advisories. Society & Natural Resources 10(1):87-96.
- Robert W Marans. 1996. The Promise of Paradise: Recreational and Retirement Communities in the United States Since 1950. Journal of the American Planning Association 62(4):538.
- Robert W Marans, Lee, Yung-Jaan , Young, Raymond De. 1995. Factors Influencing Individual Recycling Behavior in Office Settings: A Study of Office Workers in Taiwan. Environment and Behavior 27(3):380.
- Robert W Marans, Yan, X W. 1995. Perceptions of Housing in Beijing. Third World Planning Review 17(1):19-39.
- Robert W Marans, Lee, Yung-Jaan . 1993. Linking Recycling Behavior to Waste Management Planning - a Case-Study of Office Workers in Taiwan. Landscape and Urban Planning 26(1-4):203-214.
- Robert W Marans, Collins, B L, Fisher, W , Gillette, G . 1990. 2nd-Level Postoccupancy Evaluation Analysis. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 19(2):21-44.
- Robert W Marans, Bechtel, Robert B, Michelson, William M. 1987. Methods in environmental and behavioral research.
- Robert W Marans, Spreckelmeyer, K F. 1982. Measuring overall Architectural Quality - a Component of Building Evaluation. Environment and Behavior 14(6):652-670.
- Robert W Marans, Wellman, J D. 1982. The Value of Time Budgets in Research and Planning for Recreation Populations. Journal of Environmental Systems 11(4):325-340.
- Robert W Marans, Lansing, John B, Zehner, Robert B. 1970. Planned residential environments.
- Robert W Marans. 1969. Planning Experimental Neighbourhood at Kiryath-Gat, Israel. Ekistics 27(158):70-75.