Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Effects of a Government-Academic Partnership: Has the NSF-Census Bureau Research Network Helped Improve the US Statistical System?

Levenstein, Margaret C; Shapiro, Matthew D; Weinberg, Daniel H; Abowd, John M; Belli, Robert F; Cressie, Noel; Folch, David C; Holan, Scott H; Olson, Kristen M; Reiter, Jerome P; Smyth, Jolene D; Soh, Leen-Kiat; Spencer, Bruce D; Spielman, Seth E; Vilhuber, Lars; Wikle, Christopher K. (2019). Effects of a Government-Academic Partnership: Has the NSF-Census Bureau Research Network Helped Improve the US Statistical System?. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.