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Review of ‘Dissent of the Governed’

House, James S; Light, Ivan; Coser, Rose; Cline, Hugh F; Becker, Howard S; Theodore, Athena; Miller, George A; Wales, Jeffrey A; Bernard, Jessie; Pavalko, Ronald M; Saltz, Robert F; O'Sullivan See, Katherine; Boyd, Carolyn P; Altheide, David L; Cummings, Scott; Form, William H; Clanton, Gordon; Janson, Philip; Rubin, Lillian B; Magrass, Yale R; Smith, Dorothy E; Phillips, Stephen W; Buttel, Frederick H; Newman, Graeme R; Gogel, Robert; Phillips, W M; Lewis, J David; Furstenberg, Frank F; Muraskin, William A; Smith, James E; Freedman, Ronald; Nam, Charles; O'Neill, John. (1978). Review of 'Dissent of the Governed'. Sociology and Social Research. 62(2), 294-296.