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October 24, 2023

SRC Researchers at the 2023 Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting

Schedule of SRC researchers at the 2023 Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 8-12 in Tampa, Florida.

Visit NHATS-NSOC (booth 118), Health and Retirement Study (booth 214), and National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (booth 301).

GSA 2023

Wednesday, November 8

8:00-12:00, Jessica Faul, Lindsay Kobayashi, Kenneth Langa, Lindsay Ryan, Amanda Sonnega, Workshop: Using the Health and Retirement Study for Cognition Research, Grand Ballroom B Marriott

8:00-12:00, Mengyao Hu, Sarah Patterson, Workshop: Using the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) in Studying Disability, Dementia, and Aging, Grand Ballroom J Marriott

12:30-2:00, Noah Webster (chair), Session: Diverse Environmental Contexts and Links to Later-Life Well-Being, Room 113

12:30-2:00, Ketlyne Sol, Association Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Cognitive Reserve in Racially Diverse Older Adults, Room 113

12:30-2:00, Toni Antonucci (discussant), Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Health Within the Context of a Global Pandemic, Room 415

2:30-4:00, Esther Friedman, Vicki Freedman, Families and Dementia: Estimates and Exposures, Room 122

Thursday, November 9

8:00-9:30, Esther Friedman, Social Network Structure and the Well-Being of Family Caregivers to Older Adults, Room 303

8:00-9:30, Noah Webster, Poster: Similarity in Health-Related Behaviors Within Older Adults’ Close Social Relationships, Room 303

8:00-9:30, Amanda Sonnega, Life Course Exposure to Risky Work Environments and Early Retirement Due to Disability, Room 114

2:00-3:15, Marina Larkina, Jacqui Smith, Late Breaking Poster Session: Historical Changes in College Education and Employment: Gender Effects on Late-life Cognitive Status, Exhibit Hall West

4:30-6:00, Jessica Faul, Wei Zhao, Colter Mitchell, Jennifer A. Smith, Transethnic Meta-Analysis of Interactions Between Genetics and Early-Life Socioeconomic Context on Cognition, Session: JGMS Editor’s Choice Articles of 2022: Biologic and Social Influences on Cognitive and Physical Aging, Room 115

4:30-6:00, Jessica Faul, Stacey Collins, Helen Meier, Colter Mitchell, A Structured Approach to Evaluating Life Course Influences on DNA Methylation Age Acceleration, Room 116

Friday, November 10

8:00-9:30, Amanda Sonnega (chair), Session: Racial Disparities in Occupational Exposures and Later-Life Health, Room 105

8:00-9:30, Yun taek Oh, Bridge Jobs as Paths to Working Longer: Do Gender and Retirement Identities Matter?, Room 122

10:00-11:30, Kate Duchowny (discussant), Session: Biological and Social Determinants of Late-Life Disability and Its Implications for Aging Workforce, Room 121

10:00-11:30, Grace Noppert, Kate Duchowny, Cellular Immune Aging and Physical Disability: Results From the Health and Retirement Study, Room 121

12:00-1:30, Jacqui Smith (discussant), Presidential Symposium: Highlighting Emerging Professionals Who Build Bridges, Catalyze Research, and Empower All Ages, Florida Ballroom

2:00-3:15, Jacqui Smith, Poster: Feeling You Belong: The Effects of Community Involvement on Well-Being in Later Life, Exhibit Hall West

Saturday, November 11

2:00-3:15, Allan K. Nkwata, Poster: Low Resilience Factors and Minority Race Predict Quality-of-Life Deficits Among Older Adults With Chronic Disease, Exhibit Hall West

2:00-3:15, Jacqui Smith, Late Breaking Poster: The Early Life Contexts of the Health and Retirement Study HCAP Sample: New Insights into Dementia Risk Factors, Exhibit Hall West

2:00-3:15, Kimson Johnson, Late Breaking Poster: The effects of early-life adversity on women’s cognitive health after age 50, Exhibit Hall West

Sunday, November 12

8:00-9:30, Kira Birditt, Positive Activities and Well-Being Among Dementia Caregivers: Moderating Effects of Caregiver Burden, Room 113.

8:00-9:30, Lindsay Ryan, Interplay of Cognitive Status and Spousal Caregiver Patterns on Well-Being, Room 113.