April 4, 2022
SRC Researchers at the 2022 Population Association of America Annual Meeting
Here is a schedule of SRC researchers at the 2022 Population Association of America Annual Meeting in Atlanta.
ISR is hosting a casual reception April 7 at PAA in Atlanta! Join us 6:45-8pm at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Room L507. Please RSVP.
Thursday, April 7
8:00-9:15, Emily Treleaven, Discussant, Session: Migration, Gender, and Families, M105
8:00-9:15, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Chair, Session: COVID-19 and Mortality, M104
8:00-9:30, Erin Ice, Presenter, Poster: Revealing Diverse Eldercare Configurations: How Economics and Kin Shape Strategies, Marquis Ballrooms A-D
8:00-9:30, Kimson Johnson, Presenter, Poster: Early life adversity and cognitive status in middle and late adulthood: Implications for preventative services across the lifecourse, Marquis Ballrooms A-D
11:30-12:45, Jake Hays, Presenter, Paula Fomby, Co-Author, Paper: Household Wealth Among Nonresidential Parents of U.S. Children, International 2
11:30-12:45, Narayan Sastry, Chair, Session: Health and Mortality Statistics in the United States: Challenges and Plans, International 3
11:30-12:45, Margaret Levenstein, Presenter, Paper: OASIS for Monitoring State and Local Health at the Georgia Department of Public Health, International 3
2:00-3:15, Jake Hays, Presenter, Paper: Household Wealth Inequality by Children’s Family Structure, 1984–2019, International 8
3:45-5:00, Fabian Pfeffer, Presenter, Paper: New Findings on Intergenerational Wealth Mobility, M106
5:30-6:45, Erin Ice, Presenter, Paper: Remembrance of Things Past? Mismatches Between Retrospectively and Prospectively Reported Life History Information and Implications for Population Scientists, International 9
8:30pm-10:30pm, Vicki Freedman, Remembering Bob Schoeni, PAA Memorial Service, International 9
Friday, April 8
9:45-11:00, Linda Young-De Marco & Arland Thornton, Co-Authors, Paper: Developmental Idealism and a Half Century of Family Attitude Trends in the United States, International 8
10:00-11:30, Emily Treleaven, Presenter, Poster: Children’s Risk of Parental Migration: Identifying Timing and Selection Factors of Being Left Behind in a Migrant-Sending Population, Marquis Ballrooms A-D
10:00-11:30, Noura Insolera, Presenter, Poster: Chronic Food Insecurity in the United States: Changes in Trends Over Time, Marquis Ballrooms A-D
11:30-12:45, Fabian Pfeffer, Chair, Session: New Approaches to Social Mobility and Inequality, M103
11:30-12:45, Jake Hays, Discussant, Session: Diverse Family Forms, M102
11:30-12:45, Paula Fomby, Co-Author, Paper: Variation and Change in Sibship Complexity Within and Beyond the Household, M102
11:30-12:45, Sarah Patterson, Presenter, Paper: When Family Ties Are Not Available: Kinless, Distanced, and Disconnected Older Adults, International 8
11:30-12:45, Maria Carabello, Chair, Session: Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Health and Mortality, M101
11:30-1:00, Shauna Dyer, Presenter, Paper: Failing Workers, Failing Women: Job Quality Deterioration, Educational Expansion, and Gender Stratification in the Labor Market, 1985–2017, International 6
2:00-3:15, Sarah Patterson, Chair, Session: Advances in Forecasting and Projection of Demographic Outcomes, International 2
2:00-3:15, Shauna Dyer, Co-Author, Paper: Student Debt and the Persistence of Economic Inequalities Between Racialized/Ethnic Groups: An Intergenerational Perspective, International 10
2:00-3:15, William Axinn, Co-Author, Paper: Intergenerational Influences of Mental Health on Fertility Timing, International 9
2:30-4:00, Margaret Hicken, Presenter, Poster: Blood at the Root: The Relationship Between Historical Lynching and Contemporary Infant Mortality, Marquis Ballrooms A-D
2:30-4:00, Grace Noppert, Robert Melendez, and Philippa Clarke, Presenter and Co-Authors, Poster: How the Neighborhood Environment Shapes the Distribution of an Infectious Disease: Early Findings From the COVID Neighborhood Project, Marquis Ballrooms A-D
3:45-5:00, Ken Langa, Co-Author, Paper: Exposure to Perceived Job Insecurity and Subsequent Memory Function and Decline Among Adults Aged 55+ in England and the United States: A Pooled Analysis of Two Population-Based Cohorts, 2006–2016, International 4