Applications Programmer/Analyst Intermediate
Funded Research
- 2022 University of Michigan CSWEP Funding
- A Census-Enhanced Health and Retirement Study: A Proposal to Create and Analyze an HRS Dataset Enhanced with Characteristics of Employers
- A Development of Exemplars of Non-Response Bias Analysis for NCES Data Collections
- A Digital Dyadic Coach to Promote Oral Health Self-Care in Older Adults
- A More Efficient Web-Based Approach to Collecting National Family, Fertility and Reproductive Health Data
- A Multi-Ancestry Study of Gene-Lifestyle Interactions and Multi-Omics in Cardiometabolic Traits
- A National Neighborhood Data Resource to Understand Inequities in the Health and Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 in the United States
- A Next Generation Data Infrastructure to Understand Disparities across the Life Course
- A sensitivity analysis framework for generalizing randomized clinical trial results in the presence of unmeasured treatment effect modifier
- ACL-LIFE Life History Interview and Validation
- Advancing the Science of Responsive Design Using Bayesian Methodology
- Affective Science and Smoking Cessation: Real Time Real World Assessment
- Alzheimer’s Disease Risk and Ethnic Factors: The Case of Arab Americans
- An Adaptive Preventive Intervention to Optimize the Transition from Universal to Indicated Resources for College Student Alcohol Use
- An Evaluation of Michigan’s Maternal Infant Health Program
- An Experimental Evaluation of How Survey Measurement of Sexual Identity Affects Population Estimates of Identity-Based Differences in the Prevalence of Adverse Health Outcomes
- Arab American Dementia Outreach Program with Alzheimer’s Assoc
- Assessing Children’s Learning Achievement Using Remote Video Technology
- Assessing the interactive effect of lifetime and old age cognitive engagement on cognitive decline and dementia: cognitive reserve versus use it or lose it
- Assessing the Neuropsychological Benefits of Weatherization Programs
- Biological Aging Across the Life Course: Harmonizing Cohort Biospecimen Archives
- Biological and social mediators of child wellbeing among ethnic groups in Fragile Families
- Biological Underpinnings of Socieconomic Differentials in Health and Mortality
- Brain Health and Ethnic Disparities in ADRD Risk: The Case of Arab Americans
- Breakthroughs in science: The role of funding approaches and investment balance across Stokes’ quadrants
- Caregiving, Complex Family and Kinship Ties, and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD)
- Causal Mechanisms for Sustainable Adaptation to Adverse Heat and Precipitation Health Effects
- Center for Healthy Aging Behaviors and Longitudinal InvestigationS (CHABLIS)
- Center for Methodologies for Adapting and Personalizing Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services for SUD and HIV (MAPS Center)
- Characterizing disparities in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease risk through polygenic risk and epidemiologic factors in the Health and Retirement Survey
- Characterizing upstream environmental, social, and economic determinants of health and their association with cancer-related health outcomes
- Childhood adversity, DNA methylation, and risk for depression: A longitudinal study of protective factors and sensitive periods in development
- Childhood Housing Assistance and Adult Health: Life Course Critical Periods and Cumulative Impact
- Collaborative Research: GCR: The Future of Quantitative Research in Social Science
- Collaborative Research: Impacts of Hard/Soft Skills on STEM Workforce Trajectories
- Collaborative Research: Industries of Ideas: A prototype system for measuring the effects of TIP investments on firms and jobs
- Collaborative Research: RUI: Stepping out of flatland: Complex networks, topological data analysis, and the progress of science
- Collaborative Research: Video Communication Technologies in Survey Data Collection
- Comprehensive Program for Adaptive Interventions Training in Education Sciences (CATIE)
- Computational and Statistical Approaches to Regression Problems in the Presence of Linkage Errors
- Computational examination of RDoC threat and reward constructs in a representative, predominantly low-income, longitudinal sample at increased risk for internalizing disorders
- Consumer Credit Industry Association 2023
- Continuity and Change in American Economic and Social Life: The PSID 2017 – 2020
- Coordinating Center for the NIA Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Related Dementias
- Cornell Roybal Center – Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life
- Covid-19 Effects on Children & Families: 2021 Follow-Up of the PSID Child Development Supplement
- Creating a Data Quality Control Framework for Producing New Personnel-Based S&E Indicators
- Credit and Labour Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy
- Daily Experiences among Black and White Dementia Caregivers: Implications for Well-being and Cardiovascular Health
- Daily Experiences and Well-being among Spousal Caregivers for Older Adults Experiencing Lewy Body Dementia.
- Dementia and Related Health and Social Challenges in Lebanon: A Population Study
- Developing Data on Food Security for New PSID Components
- Developing Infrastructure for the Longitudinal Study of Health and Ageing in Kenya (LOSHAK)
- Disparities in the burden and progression of multi-morbidity across adulthood
- DNA methylation in context: Racial inequities in social adversity and vulnerability to the health impact of air pollution
- Doctoral Dissertation Research: Addressing survey nonresponse and attrition in probability-based online panels and online longitudinal data collections
- Effects of Social Mobility on Individual Well-Being, Attitudes, and Behavior: Full and Partial Identification
- Eliminating Tobacco-related disparities among African American Smokers
- EMR-Integrated Early On E-Fax Referral Project
- Enhancing and Archiving Genomic Data of the PSID Child Development Supplement
- Enhancing Retrospective Life History Data in the Health and Retirement Study- Renewal
- Enhancing Synthetic Data Techniques for Practical Applications
- Epigenetic mechanisms underlying the direct and moderating effects of social connectedness on complex diseases in aging
- Epigenetic Mediation of Adverse Social Context on Stress Response, Socioemotional Development, and Health in a Population-based Study of Minority and Low SES Children and Adolescents
- Evaluating the Impact of TRAILS on Academic and Behavioral Health Outcomes in Detroit Public School Students
- Evaluation and Optimization of a Just-in-Time Messaging Intervention to Reduce Alcohol-Facilitated Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among At-Risk Young Adult Men and Women
- Evaluation of the Trial of Proactive Community Case Management to Reduce Child Mortality (ProCCM)
- Evaluation of TRAILS Tier 1 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Programming
- Examining Sex Differences in Pleiotropic Effects for Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease Across the Life Course
- Examining the relationship between blood-based mitochondrial bioenergetic capacity in frozen samples, socioeconomic position, and physical functioning
- Examining the role of the neighborhood environment on muscle function in older adults
- Exploring Design Aspects of Web-Based Respondent-Driven Sampling for Racial/Ethnic Minorities
- Exploring the Use of Deep Learning Neural Networks to Improve Dementia Detection: Automating Coding of the Clock-Drawing Test
- Exposure to violence and maternal health
- External RDC RA Agreement for MSU Faculty Dr. Claire Margerison
- Family Dynamics, Fertility and Contraception, and Investments in Children across Generations
- Family Dynamics, Fertility, and Investments in Children across Generations
- Fragile Families: The Third Generation
- FW-HTF-P Understanding Gig Work and its Effects on Wellbeing over the Life Course in the United States: A Machine Learning Approach
- FW-HTF-P: Connectivity and the Future of Remote Work
- Genomics for Social Scientists: 2022-2027
- Genotyping the Understanding America Study to generate novel opportunities for research on cognitive functioning and dementia
- Harmonization of Cross-National Studies of Aging to HRS
- Harmonization of Cross-National Studies of Aging to HRS
- Harmonized Diagnostic Assessment of Dementia (DAD) for Longitudinal Aging Study of India (LASI) – Renewal
- HCAP Harmonization in Irish, English, & American Studies
- Health and Retirement Study: Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP)
- Health and Retirement Study: Yrs 35-40
- Health and Well-being Over the Life Course and Across Multiple Generations
- Health, Wellbeing, and the Social Networks of Family Caregivers of People with Alzheimer’s Disease
- High-intensity drinking and related consequences: Daily data from a national sample aged 19 to 22
- Household Financial Behavior-2021
- Household Income and Child Development in the First 3 years of Life – Valhalla Charitable Foundation Funding
- Household Income and Child Development in the First 3 years of Life Continuation – Valhalla Charitable Foundation Funding
- Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life
- How Community College Students Choose Programs of Study
- Immunosenescence, socioeconomic disadvantage and dementia in the US aging population
- Impacts of Grade Retention for English Learners in North Carolina
- Improving Inclusivity of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Research for Asian Americans and Latinx through Nationally Representative Hybrid Sampling.
- Improving Reproducibility of Respondent Driven Sampling through Adaptive Design
- Inequality and Mobility over the Past Half Century Using the Synergistic Distributions of Income, Consumption, and Wealth
- Innovation and Scaling of a National Literacy Tutoring Program
- Intergenerational disadvantage and pediatric health disparities in acute respiratory illness and diarrhea
- Leveraging social networks: a novel physical activity intervention for senior housing
- Linked NCSES Data for Evidence-Based Policy: Measuring Early Career Success and Modelling the Academic Research Supply Chain
- MDE Project Aware
- Measuring Racial Inequality in Tax Data
- Medicaid versus Private Coverage for Low-Income Families: What are the Tradeoffs between Cost-Sharing and Access to Care
- mHealth-based Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention to Improve Physical Activity Levels of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
- Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD)
- Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD) Yrs 6-10
- Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging
- Michigan Data Policy Fellowship: MEHF/MDHHS
- Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center
- Michigan Retirement and Disabiltity Research Center
- Mid-Life Health Inequalities in the Rural South: Risk and Resilience
- Migration, family context, and child health
- MOBIS Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services: Survey Services
- Monitoring the Future: A Cohort-Sequential Panel Study of Drug Use, Ages 19-60
- Monitoring the Future: A Cohort-Sequential Panel Study of Drug Use, Ages 19-65
- Monitoring the Future: Drug Use and Lifestyles of American Youth
- Monitoring the Future: Drug Use and Lifestyles of American Youth
- Multi-level interventions for increasing tobacco cessation at FQHCs
- Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel for Aging Research
- National Health and Aging Trends Study
- Network for Advancing Methodological Research in Longitudinal Studies of Aging
- Network on Biomarker Collection and Measurement in Population Studies of Aging: 2022-2027
- Network on Education, Biosocial Pathways, and Dementia across Diverse Populations
- New Approaches to Analyzing Social Media Content for Enhancing Census Bureau Data
- Next Generation Community Schools
- Novel Approaches to Adjusting for Population Heterogeneity and Representation in Neuroimaging Studies
- Novel Methods for Intensive Longitudinal Data in SMART Studies of Drug Abuse and HIV
- Novel use of mHealth data to identify states of vulnerability and receptivity to JITAIs
- Older Adults Living with Alzheimer?s Disease and Caregivers: Testing Evidence-Based Intervention for Underserved Populations
- Optimizing a Just-in-Time Adaptive Intervention to Increase Uptake of Chemsex Harm Reduction Services in MSM: A Micro-Randomized Trial
- Pathways to Science and Engineering Professions: Persistence and career choice for bachelors and masters graduateso research experiences, decision points and labor market transitions
- Personalized digital behavior change interventions to promote oral health
- Philanthropy and Data Equity Hub – PSID 2023 Philanthropy Module (Wave 43) Google
- Philanthropy Panel Study – PSID 2023 Philanthropy Module (Wave 43) Gates
- Philanthropy Panel Study (PPS) – PSID 2023 Philanthropy Module (Wave 43) Mott
- Prenatal Exposures and Child Health Outcomes 2: Increasing ECHO Urban and Rural Diversity
- Prenatal Exposures and Child Health Outcomes: A Statewide Study
- Preparing Philanthropy for Purpose – PSID 2023 Philanthropy Module (Wave 43) Fidelity
- Presidential Election Impact on Mental Health
- Prevalence and developmental trajectories of solitary alcohol use in US young adults
- PRISM (Personalized, Responsive Intervention Sequences for Minimally Verbal Children with Autism)
- PSID 2021-2024: Continuity and Change in American Economic and Social Life
- PSID 2025: Continuity and Change in American Economic and Social Life
- Puerto Rico Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PR-PSID)
- Racial inequalities in health throughout adulthood: The cumulative impact of neighborhood chemical and non-chemical stressors on epigenomic pathways
- Racial inequalities in sleep deficiencies: The role of stress in the workplace
- Racial/Ethnic Disparities in ADRD Risk: The Impact of Social Relations
- RCT of Accelerate’s Call To Effective Action
- Re-Engineering Statistics using Economic Transactions (RESET)
- Reading Partners Expanded Evaluation
- Research Network for Alzheimer’s Disease Home and Community Based Services
- Research Network for the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP)
- Research Network for the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP): Years 6-10
- Risk and resilience mechanisms underlying race disparities in ADRD: An examination of neighborhood resources, social networks, brain integrity, and cognition
- Seasonal Allergy Blues: Is Mental Health Worse on High Pollen Days?
- Sensory Aging, Late-Life Wellbeing, and ADRD Research Infrastructure to Catalyze Practice and Policy
- SHARE Program: Innovations in Translational Behavioral Science to Improve Self-management of HIV and Alcohol Reaching Emerging adults
- Social Circumstances and Epigenomics Promoting Health in Three Countries
- Social Disadvantage and Its Impact on Pathogen Burden and Immune Dysfunction Across the Life Course
- Soft2Rs: An Open Source Tool Package for Linking Research Software Mentions to Research, Repository, and Resource Information
- Spanking and hitting children: Trends and changes in risk factors in consecutive, longitudinal, national samples of parents from 1993-2022
- STARRS LS Wave 5
- STARRS LS Waves 3 and 4
- State and Local Educational Contexts of Older U.S. Adults and Their Association with Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
- Statistical adjustments of sample representation in community-level estimates of COVID-19 transmission and immunity
- Statistical and Methodological Research in Support of FoodAPS-2 Survey Development
- Study of Technical Elements Required for the Linkage between the U.S. Science and Technology Research Information Platform and ScienceON
- Studying Wealth in America (Phase II)
- The Effects of COVID-19 on Long Term Care for High-Need Older Adults with and without Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
- The Great Smoky Mountains Study of Rural Aging
- The Healthy Brain and Child Development National Consortium Administrative Core
- The impact of redlining and place-based systemic racism on health inequalities at mid-life
- The Impacts of Early Childhood Science, Technology, and Engineering Interventions on Student Learning and Classroom Instruction: A Meta-Analysis
- The Importance of the Neighborhood Environment in Determining Health and Well-being among Persons with Dementia and their Caregivers
- The Longitudinal and Dynamic Effects of Food Insecurity on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Risk
- The longitudinal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related multi-level mitigation and contextual factors on health and socioeconomic outcomes of individuals and families from a vulnerable population
- The methylomic consequences of neighborhood disadvantage for youth risk-taking behaviors
- The Mortgage Interest Deduction and the White-Black Wealth Gap, 1984-2021
- The National Health and Aging Trends Study (Years 16-20)
- The RAND HRS Data System: Expanding and Complementing the RAND HRS Longitudinal File
- The Transition from Childhood into Adulthood among PSID Children, 2021 and 2023
- TRAILS Supplemental Analysis
- Transition to Adulthood within its Life Course & Intergenerational Family Context
- Transitions from Preschool through High School: Family, Schools & Neighborhoods
- Transitions from Preschool through High School: Family, Schools & Neighborhoods
- Trends and Dynamics in Caregiving for Alzheimer?s Disease and Related Dementias: Extending the National Study of Caregiving
- UAS-CLEAR: A new nationally representative longitudinal study of caregiving experiences and well-being across the lifecourse
- Understanding Food Related Hardship Among Older Americans
- Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Survey, Waves 13-15
- USC Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science
- Virtual Convoys: A Social VR Approach to Reducing ADRD risk among Older Adults Living Alone
- Youth Policy Lab Michigan Data & Policy Fellowship